HybridCPPS Human Factors in Hybrid Cyber-Physical Production Systems Many production processes in industry are changing towards cyber-physical systems in which physical and computational elements as well as human operators are interconnected. As a result, human work in production is undergoing profound changes toward collaboration with automated and autonomous systems and their monitoring. In such hybrid cyber-physical production systems (CPPS), the quality of collaboration and interaction between the human operator and technical systems is a key success factor. Hybrid CPPS require an integrated system design consisting of technical, organizational and human-centered viewpoints to ensure their successful implementation and usability. Consequently, the goal of the project is to contribute to the integration of human factors in hybrid CPPS. Interdependencies between the quality and performance of human work and the design of hybrid CPPS are determined and used to derive design principles for planning and redesign of work systems. A demonstrator is to be built that serves as a platform for conducting studies with participants within a model hybrid CPPS. It contains several workstations that represent different processing steps and can be used flexibly as manual or automated workstations. Thus, different variants of hybrid CPPS can be modeled and investigated with regard to their effects on the system performance and on the operators. The results are used to determine the underlying relationships between different design variants and key figures for system performance and the perception of work. Contact persons: H. Stern (Project manager) Funded by: Universität Bremen (Zentrale Forschungsförderung) Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024 See project's publications See project's page |
MEXOT Intelligent work ergonomics using sensory exoskeletons and autonomous transport systems for enhanced human-technology interaction in automotive cargo handling The port environment is characterized by the handling of heavy and large loads, where humans remain indispensable despite advancing automation. In the case of automobile handling, vehicles are prepared for their respective target markets in technical centers. Repetitive carrying of heavy loads, overhead work, and awkward postures result in significant physical strain, leading to high absenteeism rates and reduced job attractiveness. Additionally, the current manual material provisioning requires considerable time for non-value-adding tasks. To address these challenges, the MEXOT research project developed an integrated system to enable more ergonomic and productive manual technical tasks in automobile handling by combining sensory exoskeletons and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). The developed system optimizes manual material provisioning through intelligent control of AMR while simultaneously reducing physical strain on employees through adaptive exoskeleton support. Additionally, the integration of methods for intuitive human-technology interaction, sensor-based activity and ergonomics recognition, and the implementation of a gamification incentive system promotes ergonomic working practices and enhances acceptance. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt (Project manager) N. Jathe D. Niermann L. Panter M. Quandt L. Rolfs B. Vur Funded by: BMDV Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024 See project's publications See project's page (https://www.mexot-projekt.de/) |
AR Improve Development of a guideline for the human-oriented use of AR-based assistance systems in intralogistics Intelligent and interactive AR-based assistance systems have great potential for supporting intralogistics work processes. Still, they have only been used occasionally in this form in practice, especially in SMEs. The object of the AR Improve research project is intelligent and interactive AR assistance systems that combine current AR hardware with sensor technology and image-processing methods. By providing an interactive guide, which is being developed together with SMEs, decision-makers can make well-founded decisions about the needs-based and human-oriented use of AR assistance systems without detailed knowledge of AR technology. Contact persons: M. Quandt (Project manager) M. Kreutz H. Stern Funded by: BMWi / AiF Duration: 01.09.2022 - 31.12.2024 See project's publications See project's page (https://ar-improve.biba.uni-bremen.de/) |
SYDITIL SYstemic DIgital Twins for Industrial Logistics In the SYDITIL project, a systemic digital twin (DT) for logistics is being developed. The technological basis is ?, a language and method for describing complex socio-technical systems, and the WorldLab software. Based on the application scenarios warehouse logistics and port logistics the DT will be developed and evaluated. The intended solution will help to continuously improve the logistics processes. For this purpose, the DT is constantly updated with data gathered from the logistics systems and simulates possible scenarios as well as forecasts upcoming risks. If necessary, the DT sents alerts to control and monitoring systems to optimize logistics operations. In addition, the visualization of simulation and forecast results supports decision-making for future planning. Contact persons: H. Engbers (Project manager) Funded by: EU Duration: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024 See project's publications See project's page |
safetyDrone intelligent work safety using autonomous indoor UAVs in ship construction In this project we develop an autonomous indoor blimp drone for safety hazard detection in shipyards. Due to the highly dynamic work environment of the ships construction site, shipyards are subject to an increased risk of accidents. In an extension to the current state of the art, the blimp-based drone system will drastically increase flight times while decreasing noise levels. The risk of additional harm from the drone is close to zero due to the lightweight construction. To ensure robust identification of safety hazards we develop an optical sensor system which uses state-of-the-art AI algorithms for detection. Contact persons: B. Staar (Project manager) Funded by: BMWi / AiF Duration: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024 See project's publications See project's page |
OptiAssist AI-based anomaly and cause analysis of assembly process data to derive process and assistance system improvement proposals Assembly assistance systems store data for quality assurance. Data analysis of process steps that can lead to production errors through error propagation does not exist yet. OptiAssist develops an AI-based system for identifying anomalies in the assembly process through unsupervised learning; after that, the effort of the assembly operations is reweighted in the priority graph. Based on optimization, an expert system suggests process changes to the process planner on appropriate dashboards. To increase user acceptance, strategies are developed for a suitable time to reschedule the assembly process. Contact persons: D. Schweers (Project manager) H. Engbers Funded by: Land Bremen / FEI Duration: 01.04.2023 - 30.12.2024 See project's publications See project's page |
KoMAR Development of an AR-based multi-user system for the potential assessment of collaborative assembly scenarios The KoMAR project is developing a flexible Augmented Reality (AR) multi-user application that connects digital models with real objects. Several people can interact simultaneously in an AR 3D scenario. The goal is context-based and robust interaction in virtual space. The project aims to develop new multi-user functions, such as location-independent participation in AR conferences and joint manipulation of virtual objects. For this, BIBA is developing a potential assessment of collaborative robots in industrial assembly as a first use case. Here, AR enables the early involvement of planning and assembly personnel in a real context without physical system adaptations. Contact persons: L. Rolfs (Project manager) Funded by: Land Bremen Duration: 01.06.2023 - 30.11.2024 See project's publications See project's page |
AI-Consult Multimodal, AI-supported cognitive information support system in logistics processes The aim of the project is to develop an off-the-shelf system for the most intuitive access possible to complex information through natural and low-threshold communication in combination with optical image recognition processes. At the same time, it shall provide experienced users with direct, fast and contactless access to a wide range of functions. For data protection reasons, personal image and voice data will be processed by an integrated computing unit. Contact persons: A. Börold (Project manager) D. Schweers Funded by: BMWK Duration: 01.04.2022 - 31.07.2024 See project's publications See project's page (https://ai-consult.de/) |
MicroPorts Potential analysis of a multimodal transshipment system for the direct or indirect transshipment of goods between an inland waterway and at least one other freight transport system Freight transport in Germany today is mainly carried out by road and rail. However, the further increase in transport volumes is pushing the systems to their limits, as evidenced by increased congestion and more frequent delivery delays, among other things. Another challenge is the high environmental impact of road and rail transport. A lower-emission alternative and supplement to land-based transport is water-based freight transport by inland waterway vessel. The increased use of this mode of transportation requires the provision of additional decentralized transhipment points (so-called MicroPorts) for the intelligent and efficient linking of land- and water-based freight transport. The aim of the project is the technical design of a network of decentralized transhipment hubs for linking land- and waterborne freight transport. The basic idea is to use existing infrastructure, especially bridges, for the installation of the MicroPorts. Based on this, a simulation-based evaluation will be carried out to assess the new transhipment concept's economic efficiency and sustainability. The expected project results thus provide the basis for the planning and implementation of decentralized transhipment points for combined land- and water-based freight transport in the future. Contact persons: S. Schukraft (Project manager) R. Leder B. Pupkes M. Trapp Funded by: BMDV Duration: 01.07.2022 - 30.06.2024 See project's publications See project's page |
Refine Tower Structure for Future Wind Energy Converters – Aeroelastic analysis, in-situ measurements and economic assessment of wind turbine tower structures According to the German Federal Environment Agency, wind energy is a cornerstone of the energy revolution. With increasing size, the efficiency but also the engineering challenges of modern wind turbines increase. One of these is the control of tower vibrations, which can, e.g., hinder erection or maintenance or lead to structural damage. The aim of the joint research project REFINE is to improve the understanding of the characteristics and causes of tower vibrations. Based on this, aerodynamic devices for towers will be developed and evaluated both technically and economically. For this purpose, a four-step approach will be followed: (1) With the help of innovative measurement technology developed at the University of Bremen, measurements will be carried out on a large fleet of onshore wind turbines over a longer period of time. (2) In addition, fluid mechanical simulations will be coupled with structural models of the wind turbines. (3) Based on this, aerodynamic devices to reduce vibration excitation will be developed and tested under real conditions. (4) The economic effects of the aerodynamic devices will be evaluated via holistic economic simulations. This research and development project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (German: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, BMWi) as part of “7th Energy Research Programme of the Federal Government”. Contact persons: S. Eberlein (Project manager) S. Oelker Funded by: BMWK Duration: 01.06.2021 - 31.05.2024 See project's publications See project's page (http://refine.science) |
compARe Optimization of the maintenance of wind turbines by using image processing methods on mobile augmented reality devices In the funded project "compARe", an AR-based technical assistance system is developed that uses image processing methods to support service technicians in the maintenance of wind turbines. The project will focus on tasks that only allow defect detection by comparing the current status with a previously documented status or a target status. Thus, the system can help avoid damage to the WTG and increase maintenance measures' efficiency. Employing AI-based image processing methods, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), defects in components can be detected, classified, and evaluated. Furthermore, the comparison of component states based on historical data is possible. Mobile assistance systems have proven to be very promising for the support of service technicians in wind energy. The use of these computing-intensive image processing methods on mobile devices is a challenge. However, it offers great potential in combination with mobile Augmented Reality (AR) technology. In this way, virtual information on the change of component conditions can be provided directly about the components concerned in the field of vision of the service technicians. Contact persons: W. Zeitler (Project manager) R. Leder M. Quandt H. Stern Funded by: BMWK Duration: 01.07.2020 - 31.12.2023 See project's publications See project's page |
RIEMANN ROS-based Education of Advanced Motion Planning and Control This project aims at reducing technological barriers towards using a fleet of robots in warehouses and conventional manufacturing environments. In this project, learning material was created to upskill university students and professionals in advanced autonomous navigation concepts, specifically how to leverage existing open-source software libraries on mobile robot platforms. From the end-user perspective, our education materials helped industries using mobile robot solutions to perform complex debugging/maintenance without overly relying on their third-party supplier. This will save time spent tuning motion planning libraries without fully understanding the effect of underlying hyperparameters. In the second phase, the project will be expanded to include collaboration with manipulators to implement an efficient interface based on ROS2 components using the e.DO Cube from COMAU as an example. Based on this example, additional learning units related to ROS2 will be created to establish a fully comprehensive intralogistics scenario. Contact persons: S. Leohold (Project manager) Funded by: EU Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2023 See project's publications See project's page (http://imr.ciirc.cvut.cz/riemann/) |
DFWind_2 German Research Platform for Wind Energy - Phase 2 The primary objective of the project is to answer research questions to promote the expansion of wind energy against the background of economic efficiency and public acceptance, and to address questions relating to wind turbines that were previously impossible or difficult to answer. In setting up the wind energy research and development platform, the focus is on a holistic approach, in which the research focus is on the interaction of the subsystems in the overall wind turbine system, also taking into account the mutual influence of two separate wind turbines on each other. The University of Bremen will work on the instrumentation of the bearings with sensors and make preparations for data evaluation. In particular, the main bearing, the azimuth bearing, and the three blade flange bearings will be considered. Contact persons: S. Oelker (Project manager) S. Leohold Funded by: BMWK Duration: 01.12.2020 - 30.11.2023 See project's publications See project's page |
XCeedFeed Platform for optimized, automated, and intelligent processes to order and distribute compound-feed and for the re-supply of silos Agriculture must increasingly address issues of sustainability and quality management. In this context, feed is also becoming increasingly important from a cost perspective. The goal of the project is the realization of a cloud platform for farmers, traders, and feed producers to individually configure feed, produce it according to demand and deliver it just-in-time. In addition to the integration of weather-dependent demand and price forecasts, the focus is on the development of a simulation-based supply chain control with optimization of the life cycle assessment. Contact persons: D. Rippel (Project manager) M. Lütjen Funded by: BMWK Duration: 01.06.2021 - 30.11.2023 See project's publications See project's page |
Isabella2.0 Automobile logistics in sea and inland ports: Integrated and user-oriented control of device and load movements through artificial intelligence and a virtual training application ** Motivation ** The results of the predecessor project Isabella produced initial improvements in transport order processing and identified further potential for improvement. These included the integration of transport modes into the system and the application of artificial intelligence to save computing time for the control algorithm. These should be taken up in order to further improve the logistical performance of the control system and to be able to apply it terminal-wide to all handling processes. Since the introduction of the solution approaches goes hand in hand with radical changes in the work situation for the employees, a virtual training environment was to be created with the involvement of operational employees to facilitate the transition to the new system for the driving personnel and increase its acceptance among the workforce. **Approach** Discrete-event simulation was used to model the process flows of the automobile terminal and to parameterize the dynamic priorities. A control algorithm was connected to the simulation model, which uses a two-stage optimization procedure to individually assign at first driving jobs to driving and shuttle personnel and then solves a shuttle routing problem via a branch and bound procedure. Artificial intelligence methods were used to increase the performance of the control algorithm. For this purpose, a Graph Convolutional Neural Networks was trained via imitation learning to imitate the approach of the classical optimizer (assignment of driving jobs to drivers and shuttles). In addition, a concept for information exchange in ships was designed and prototypically evaluated for the implementation of the control system. This is based on a router-satellite system and creates a mesh WLAN. **Results** Via discrete-event simulation, the modes of transport and the dynamical priorities could be successfully integrated into the control system, and via simulation studies, it was shown that the processes on the terminal can be reliably controlled in such a way that the time-critical processes of loading and unloading modes of transport can be completed within the specified layover/standby times. A preliminary version of the neural network was created and validated to improve the performance of the control algorithm. For a final application, a higher number of test data from simulations is still pending in order to further improve the solution quality. The concept for data reception on the ship was successfully validated prototypically and showed good response time, transmission speed and range throughout the vessel. Several scenarios (including area and process knowledge) were developed for the virtual training environment. The positive results from the simulation and laboratory studies could be confirmed in several test runs, which took place with the involvement of operational employees and under occupational psychology support on various automobile terminals of BLG. Contact persons: M. Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik (Project manager) A. Ait Alla N. Jathe Funded by: BMDV Duration: 01.07.2020 - 30.06.2023 See project's publications See project's page (https://isabella2.de/) |
DroneStock Unmanned aerial system for inventory recording and quality inspection of pallet contents in indoor block warehouses In this project, we developed an unmanned aerial system (UAS) for automatic inventory recording and quality inspection of pallet contents in indoor block warehouses. By using a Helium-based lighter-than-air drone platform and an intelligent sensor system the drone can navigate safely and collision-free without the need for separation from humans or other autonomous systems. Latency-sensitive processes e.g. for collision avoidance are calculated on-board using special AI-hardware. Compute-intensive calculations for package detection and identification are outsourced to a mobile server, which is positioned inside the warehouse and comes with its own Wi-Fi network. For control and visualization of the system, we developed a 3D user interface. Contact persons: B. Staar (Project manager) Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.07.2021 - 30.06.2023 See project's publications See project's page |
QualifyAR Development of an AR framework with extended sensor technology to support training and education in the aviation industry The aim of the "QualifyAR" project was to support the training of apprentices in aircraft construction, where the highest demands are placed on training. Accordingly, the use of digital and individual learning environments was pursued, which should improve the learning success and prepare the later use of digital assistance systems in the productive process. In cooperation with Radisumedia GmbH, an AR-based learning environment with context-sensitive information provision and automated learning success and quality checks was developed. Using an AR framework and predefined process databases, teachers can digitally map teaching tasks independently. Contact persons: R. Leder (Project manager) N. Jathe Funded by: BMWK Duration: 01.07.2020 - 31.05.2023 See project's publications See project's page |
PassForM Resource-based process management through flexible use of intelligent modules in hybrid assembly The PassForM research project creates a modularly reconfigurable assembly station. It allows for a more flexible design of manual and hybrid assembly stations and systematic automation, which improves scalability, re-usability and responsiveness to market developments. Bidirectional information and control instruction exchange enable and ease the integration of the modular assembly stations into existing assembly organizations. For this purpose, a material supply module, a conveyor module and a robot module are implemented. The goal is to unite the opposing requirements of productivity and flexibility in the assembly area of medium quantities. The project will fill the gap between manual and highly automated processes. The performance of the modular, hybrid assembly system will be evaluated and based on application scenarios in variant assembly groups. Contact persons: N. Hoppe Funded by: BMWi / AiF Duration: 01.06.2021 - 31.05.2023 See project's publications See project's page (passform.biba.uni-bremen.de) |
Baeckerei 4.0 Development of a raw material-specific and cross-process production control in medium-sized bakeries using artificial intelligence The production of bakery products poses great challenges to process control in order to achieve consistent end product quality, as the main components of the products are natural products. The properties of the natural products strongly depend on the parameters during the growth and harvesting of the raw materials as well as their preliminary processes. The production of baked goods involves the product-specific combination of ingredients and the mechanical production of a dough, which is mostly kneaded. Low quality is often the result of incorrect expert assessment of raw material quality and the selected process parameters. A particular problem here is the process transitions or transfers between the process steps of dough preparation, work-up, fermentation phase, pre-baking phase, intermediate storage and post-baking phase. The aim of the project is to increase the product quality of baked goods. This should be achieved by developing a raw material-specific and cross-process production control system that uses artificial intelligence to improve coordination of the production processes while taking into account the specific parameters of the semi-finished products. The improved coordination of the production processes allows the reduction of rejects (resource conservation and traceability) as well as the planning/calculation of achievable product qualities based on quality raw material models to increase the specific process quality. Contact persons: A. Ait Alla (Project manager) Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.06.2021 - 31.05.2023 See project's publications See project's page |
MeshTrack Development of a hybrid RTT-/BLE positioning system for efficient asset tracking via mesh-based Beaconing The aim of this research project was the development of a cost effective and easy to integrate indoor positioning system for industrial environments. To achieve this goal two approaches were combined: precise WiFi-based positioning via round-trip time (RTT) as well as energy-efficient positioning via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signal strength. The tracked objects were thereby marked with compact and cheap BLE tags. Asset localization is realized via a smartphone app, which calculates the phones position via RTT. The app detects close-by tags via signal-strength and calculates their position using its own, known position. Through the utilization of mass-produces micro controllers and custom hardware layouts we were able to drastically reduce the systems cost. Contact persons: K. Hribernik K. Klein B. Staar Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.11.2020 - 30.04.2023 See project's publications See project's page |
Mittelstand 4.0 Mid- & Small-Sized Enterprises Competency Center Bremen The Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Bremen offers support to small and medium-sized enterprises in the Bremen region and surrounding areas, in increasing their digitalization competencies. In particular, employees and managers in the innovation clusters of maritime industry and logistics, wind energy, aerospace, automotive industry, and food and beverage industry are targeted. The competence center provides interested companies with a range of free services, according to their needs. The entire innovation process is covered, beginning with the assessment of a companyÂ’s digitalization potentials, and continuing with the opportunity to experience applications in practice. In parallel companies are given the opportunity to prepare themselves and their employees for the digital world through trainings. If desired, the center also accompanies companies in the implementation of their digital projects to ensure success. Contact persons: S. Wiesner (Project manager) A. Heuermann A. Himstedt M. Knak A. Seelig M. Teucke Funded by: BMWK Duration: 01.01.2018 - 31.03.2023 See project's publications See project's page (https://kompetenzzentrum-bremen.digital/) |
EisAuge Ice detection on wind turbines using AI-assisted image processing Icing on rotor blades of wind turbines leads to downtimes every year and thus to considerable financial losses. The "EisAuge" project aims to develop a camera-based ice detection system to reduce these downtimes. The captured RGB and infrared images are analyzed by modern artificial intelligence (AI) methods to determine the current icing condition on the turbine rotor blades. The captured images and the model outputs are then stored in a cloud solution. BIBA is developing the camera system in this project. The goal here is a camera system that can capture sharp, detailed images both during the day and at night. In addition, BIBA is supporting the development of the AI algorithms in the project. For this purpose, modern methods of image processing, like for example Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), are utilized. The focus here is in particular on the transferability of the models to new wind turbines. Contact persons: M. Kreutz (Project manager) Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE / PFAU Duration: 16.07.2021 - 31.03.2023 See project's publications See project's page |
exoMATCH Intelligent Exoskeleton/Task Matchmaking Despite the increasing automation and digitalization of industrial processes, manual activities are still indispensable for companies, as many tasks cannot be fully automated for technical or financial reasons. Ergonomic injuries are one of the most common categories of workplace injuries today. It is estimated that more than 30% of accidents resulting in days away from work are due to ergonomic-related injuries. To reduce physical strain on employees, exoskeletons can be used to assist with non-ergonomic movements. However, selecting the right exoskeleton for a job requires expertise in work planning and medicine, which is not always available, especially in small and medium-sized companies. In order to quickly and cost-effectively find an initial selection of a suitable exoskeleton, a mobile application is developed with the help of which the performed work steps can be evaluated by video analysis with AI methods and special stresses are described. Subsequently, a suitable exoskeleton for the activity can be suggested on the basis of the stresses identified. The application is evaluated in terms of ease of use and output results in laboratory tests and compared with currently used checklist-based methods. Contact persons: L. Rolfs (Project manager) C. Petzoldt B. Pupkes Funded by: EU Duration: 10.10.2022 - 31.03.2023 See project's publications See project's page (https://dihworld.eu/project/exomatch-intelligent-exoskeleton-task-matchmaking/) |
AKAMAI ASRS New Intralogistics warehouse system AKAMAI team develop a novel Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) solution, managing non-standard loads efficiently in compact warehouses. This EIT project focuses on an innovative system of vertical displacement (specific elevator) combined with proprietary Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) to provide higher density than existing industrial solutions. Contact persons: D. Schweers (Project manager) Funded by: EU - EIT Manufacturing Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
PaLA Palletized Loads Automatic Loading System for unmodified European Trailers to enable a Resilient Supply Chain The manufacturing facilities in Europe are mostly fully automated with minimum touch on pallets from production all the way up to the docks but the last mile of action, i.e. loading operation remains fully manual with no flexibility to decide on how to execute this task (automated or manual). This makes it a weak link in the supply chain, which is prone to disruption (especially as learnt in COVID pandemic situation) as it is fully dependent on human presence to execute a labor intensive and less ergonomic task. Hence true supply chain resilience cannot be achieved until there is a solution developed to automatically load palletized goods with on the road (un-modified) European trailers. The main reason why this task is still conducted manually is the non-standard trailer fleet in Europe and the lack of no automatic solution available for curtain trailers. Given that curtain trailers comprise at least 80% of on the road trailers there is a huge opportunity with high scalability for a solution. However, currently existing solutions for automatic loading of pallets only work for loading rigid-walled trucks, which are characterized by rigid, nondeformed walls. In contrast, for loading of curtain trailers, such systems fail due to the varying conditions of curtain trailers and less defined walls resulting in these systems to crash into obstacles like carrier beams causing damaged loads or resulting in emergency stops. Consequently, this activity aims to enable an existing automatic loading solution (Nalon) of the company Duro Felguera to tackle the challenges associated with automatically loading curtain trailers from the rear side. Contact persons: L. Rolfs (Project manager) D. Niermann B. Vur Funded by: EU - EIT Manufacturing Duration: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
INSERT AI-based assistance system for concept planning in production and logistics Intense global competition, shorter product life cycles, and an increasing number of variants require flexible, adaptable, and economical production and logistics systems. An assistance system shall significantly shorten the time-intensive planning process to become faster and more cost-efficient. In the project "INSERT," an AI-based assistance system prototype for logistics and production planning concept development was developed. This assistance system guides the planners through the concept creation and cost calculation, supports with suggestions in the process planning and enables the generation of a simulation model of the production and logistics processes. Contact persons: L. Steinbacher Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE Duration: 15.05.2020 - 30.11.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
CBS Improvement of Logistics Performance with Cluster-based Decentralized Control in Material Flow Networks The concept of decentrally controlled production and logistic systems has gained a growing importance as part of Industry 4.0. The previous research activities in this area focused mainly on the development of control algorithms for decision-making and the required information and communication technologies. An additional success factor for decentralized control has also been identified: the topology, i.e. the underlying structure of the material flow network. However, the topology has so far not been considered when developing decentralized control approaches. The project aimed at quantifying the influence of the topology of a material flow network on the logistic performance. Contact persons: S. Schukraft Funded by: DFG Duration: 16.08.2017 - 15.11.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
Lernfabrik Energieautarke Produktion Die Lernfabrik vermittelt Studierenden auf Grundlage des didaktischen Konzeptes des forschenden und handlungsorientierten Lernens die Entwicklung energieautarker Produktionssysteme. Die Lernfabrik adressiert sowohl Lernziele der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung als auch der erneuerbaren Energieerzeugung, -speicherung und -nutzung. Studierende fertigen dabei reale Produkte, die in gesellschaftlichen und/ oder industriellen Anwendungen eingesetzt werden. Contact persons: M. Burwinkel (Project manager) J. Hörnschemeyer Funded by: BREDE-Stiftung Duration: 01.12.2021 - 31.10.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
ViProQAS Visual Product Quality Auditing System ViProQAS addresses a system solution that enables the operative execution of quality inspection processes by means of visual support. For this purpose, the project is rethinking the way of visualization in the sense that the representation should take place through projections on 2D and 3D objects. App-based approaches with video and AR on mobile devices (glasses or tablets), as well as approaches based on virtual reality (VR) are deliberately not pursued, since the project not only aims at visualization, but also at recording and controlling the activities. This is not possible to a sufficient extent with the hardware currently available on the market. In the project, a framework is developed which derives the information for the assistance system from the audit specifications and subsequently forwards the recorded data to the corresponding systems. The innovation here is both the focus on the area of quality processes and the connection of visualization and recording as well as the control and documentation of the processes. Contact persons: D. Schweers (Project manager) A. Börold Funded by: BMWK Duration: 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
Astradis Automated Specification Tool for AGV Deployment in SMBs In the Astradis project, a tool was developed to support the planning of automated guided vehicles (AGVs). In an assisted process, the user is guided through the requirements assessment process. In addition, a manufacturer-independent catalog of AGVs available on the market was created, which can be automatically compared with the determined requirements in order to suggest suitable solutions to the user. An integrated editor allows the user to define the layout of the future application scenario without any previous knowledge and an export function can be used to create the configuration for a simulation in Plant Simulation. Contact persons: N. Hoppe (Project manager) C. Petzoldt L. Rolfs Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE / FEI Duration: 15.06.2021 - 30.09.2022 See project's publications See project's page (https://www.efre-bremen.de/) |
AutoCBM Automated Adaption of Condition-Based Maintenance methods for Manufacturing Systems Ensuring the technical availability of machines and equipment is the task of maintenance and an essential factor for the efficient operation of manufacturing systems. As digitization progresses, condition-based preventive maintenance strategies are becoming increasingly important. These strategies use data describing a machine's current condition to predict disturbances in order to prevent them by taking early measures. The problem here is that the model development is associated with a high level of expert and computing effort. In addition, the models cannot be reliably transferred from one use case to another. In the AutoCBM project, a software was developed that supports the development and evaluation of prognostic models. The core of the software is a machine learning algorithm that recommends the most appropriate model class. By automating the selection process, effort can be reduced, additional personnel can be empowered to create models, and faster scaling of condition-based maintenance strategies can be enabled. Contact persons: H. Engbers (Project manager) S. Leohold Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE Duration: 01.07.2020 - 30.06.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
RailAR Assistance system for optimized noise protection planning and AR-based representation of a planning status of railway lines To support public participation in route planning, an outdoor AR system was developed in the RailAR project. This includes an outdoor display that projects 3D planning statuses directly into the landscape using an AR device. For the implementation, automatically generated 3D data from the route planning software Korfin© were integrated via a 3D engine and adapted to the respective display purpose. Regarding the auralization, a visual representation was researched and integrated into the visualization. Contact persons: R. Leder (Project manager) M. Lütjen H. Stern Funded by: BMWK Duration: 01.07.2020 - 30.06.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
PrintAI Self-learning software platform for 3D-printer farms for individualized mass production using the examples of shoes The use of 3D printers has been established as a recognized manufacturing process in recent years. In addition to rapid prototyping, the economical production of small series even of quantity 1 and the spatial decoupling of development and production/distribution are decisive advantages of this process. In addition to a large number of different product types, 3D printing also offers the possibility of printing highly individualized shoes in one piece. By creating printer farms that require only a small amount of space and installation effort, decentralized production/distribution sites can be created almost anywhere. In order for these to work optimally, it is necessary to develop largely automated quality control loops that support the operators in detecting and avoiding misprints. Contact persons: M. Trapp (Project manager) M. Kreutz Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE Duration: 01.07.2020 - 30.06.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
EKIMuPP Design of a digital and AI-assisted flexible assembly line to increase product and process innovation Innovation cycles are becoming increasingly shorter at the product and process level, making rapid integration into assembly a critical success factor for companies. The EKIMuPP research project aims to specifically increase the level of innovation by means of the integration of digital and AI-based systems. The project is dedicated to the development of an innovation-oriented assembly system that increases and optimizes the interaction of employees along the entire process chain through digital interaction capabilities. In addition, context-based training and support of operational employees is enabled by an assistance system. AI-based variant management will also be developed to manage complexity. The overall system will be developed in a modular fashion and its benefits will be demonstrated and evaluated in practice. For this purpose, typical products for manual assembly will be selected and the overall system will be evaluated in the company context. Furthermore, the functionalities of the overall system will be evaluated in a practical test with further product variants in order to prove its product-independent applicability. Contact persons: D. Keiser (Project manager) D. Niermann C. Petzoldt Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE Duration: 01.03.2021 - 30.06.2022 See project's publications See project's page (https://www.efre-bremen.de/) |
KoMILo Context-dependent, Al-based interface for multimodal human-machine interaction with technical logistics systems With the advancing digitalization in industry, the use of complex robot systems in production and logistics is increasing. Configuration and control tasks for such systems therefore require increasingly extensive training measures or highly qualified IT experts. In contrast, however, there is an increasing shortage of skilled workers in the IT sector. To counteract this challenge, a novel software framework with an intuitive user interface was developed in the research project KoMILo, which unifies programming and interaction with technical systems by means of a visual, block-based programming approach in combination with digital twins of the systems. Thus, even non-experts are empowered to create process flows for multiple, different technical systems and to supervise the process execution. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt (Project manager) D. Niermann L. Panter B. Vur Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE / FEI Duration: 07.12.2020 - 30.05.2022 See project's publications See project's page (https://www.comflow-project.de/) |
MARS Mobile Autonomous Robot for Safe sorting Automated guided vehicles or autonomous mobile robots are widely used in postal and e-commerce sorting applications. They increase the flexibility and scalability of logistics centres. There are two main solutions on the market: collaborative sortation robots, which work with humans in the same environment but are slower and safer, and non-collaborative systems, which work without human interaction but are confined in a cage. The MARS (Mobile Autonomous Robot for Safe sorting) project has developed an intelligent system that enables the transition between these two approaches. It uses a dual-channel localisation system to safely position each vehicle and place it in the appropriate operating mode. This system is based on optical localisation using matrix codes on the floor and RFID technology for checkpoints and area changes. The solution enables a flexible combination of collaborative and high performance workspaces. The vehicles intelligently adapt their behaviour according to their position. In collaborative areas they avoid people and obstacles, while in fenced-off areas they increase speed to maximise performance. The MARS system can expand existing facilities or redesign flexible sortation systems. Contact persons: L. Rolfs (Project manager) K. Klein Funded by: EU - EIT Manufacturing Duration: 01.01.2021 - 31.03.2022 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.mars-amr.eu) |
MetaMaintain A meta-learning approach to select appropriate prognostic methods for the predictive maintenance of digital manufacturing systems In the project, a meta-learning system was developed to automatically select suitable prognostic methods for preventive condition-based maintenance in manufacturing systems. The evaluation was carried out via prognostic performance and logistic key figures, which describe the effects of the derived maintenance measures on the performance of the manufacturing system. For this purpose, the meta-learning system was coupled with a manufacturing system, which was represented in the project by a discrete-event simulation model. Integrated production and maintenance planning based on the predictions was performed using priority rules constructed by a simulation-based optimization. This project was carried out in cooperation with Professor Dr.-Ing. Enzo Morosini Frazzon (UFSC, Brazil) and Professor Dr.-Ing. Carlos Eduardo Pereira (UFRGS, Brazil). Financial support was provided by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and by the Brazilian Coordination Center for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). Contact persons: H. Engbers (Project manager) S. Leohold Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.03.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
X-Kanban Development of a self-learning eKanban-System using autonomous sensor modules In this research project, an eKanban system was developed that implements the benefits of modern, intelligent Industrie 4.0 solutions while remaining economical for companies to integrate and operate. This includes low-cost, autonomous sensor modules that are easy to install and demonstrate low power consumption to enable full inventory monitoring. The eKanban system itself is linked via a cloud with machine learning methods that continuously learn material demand behavior and thus constantly optimize material provisioning in terms of replenishment time during operation. In this way, a reduction in inventories of up to 30% could be achieved in an example scenario, which was validated by means of a detailed material flow simulation. Contact persons: A. Ait Alla (Project manager) M. Kreutz Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.03.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
SealingQuality Mobiles Inspektionssystem für Weichdichtungen mit pseudometrischen Freiformflächen The aim of the project was to develop a mobile documentation and inspection system for the application and evaluation of sealants with pseudometric free-form surfaces. Specifically, the system was developed for the application and quality inspection of soft sealants in the aerospace sector. Through the use of deep learning algorithms, a "universal" inspection system for soft seals was developed that provides high reliability under various environmental conditions. The system was designed to be mobile, installed on the tool in direct human-technology interaction, and operated in real-time. The data generated by the applicator is sent wirelessly to a server, which performs the data analysis. Current research results were used, whereby an average accuracy of all models after a 5-fold cross validation with 94% could be achieved. Contact persons: N. Jathe Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.03.2020 - 28.02.2022 See project's publications See project's page |
AdaptiveSBO An adaptive simulation-based optimisation approach for the scheduling and control of dynamic manufacturing systems **Motivation** The planning and control of production processes has a significant influence on the performance of a job shop manufacturing system. The job shop production is subject to dynamic influences (e.g. faults caused by machine failures or rush orders), which have to be considered for the production planning and control. Common methods are therefore normally divided into modules for calculating plans and modules for operational control. In general, optimisation only takes place at the strategic planning level, while detailed planning is carried out on the basis of simple, static dispatching rules. This allows the generation of schedules in short computation times, but generally no optimal schedules based on the current state of the production system are generated. **Results** In the first phase of the Brazilian-German cooperation project, a simulation-based optimisation method for controlling dynamic job shop production has been developed. The classical approach of simulation-based optimisation was extended in such a way that the dynamics of job shop manufacturing are taken into account and the optimisation of planning decisions and control rules is always based on the current system state. The developed method was evaluated considering the job shop production of a Brazilian producer of mechanical parts. In the second project phase, a method for the integrated control of inventory, production and maintenance processes has been developed in order to map the current status of a production system in more detail. This means that maintenance orders can be scheduled for the machines in addition to the existing method and the inventory stocks can be taken into account for planning and control. **Approach** Initially, methods for planning maintenance jobs (Germany) and methods for inventory control (Brazil) using up-to-date system data have been developed in parallel. Subsequently, both approaches have been combined to an integrated inventory, production and maintenance control method, which was evaluated in a real scenario using data from an industry partner as well as by scenarios from the literature. Contact persons: E. Broda (Project manager) Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.04.2016 - 31.12.2021 See project's publications See project's page (https://www.smartconnectedmanufacturing.de/#projects) |
DPNB Dynamic Production Network Broker **Motivation** Fully dynamic cross-company production networks that adapt to individual customer orders are a core vision in the Industry 4.0 sector. Production capacities are sometimes required at very short notice, e.g. in the area of drawing and special parts. Reasons are the failure of company owned machines or machines of a supplier, the complete failure of a supplier or also a sudden increase on the demand side. In these cases, however, there are barriers to a rapid response, such as finding one or more suppliers with free capacities or the high manual effort required to integrate new suppliers into existing ordering and logistics processes. **Goal** The "Dynamic Production Network Broker" is intended to support the dynamic formation of production networks by means of a modular service system. This includes the matching of supply and demand for short-term availability of production capacities while at the same time ensuring the necessary transport capacities, the short-term onboarding of suppliers, i.e. rapid integration production, logistics and quality assurance and the possibility of making complex assembly activities compatible for outsourcing. The latter should be achieved by means of an assistance system that is based on Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. BIBA has contributed to the project by developing an ontological description of machine capabilities and requirements, and the development of a concept for generic service-based business models and their evaluation on the basis of the project results. **Results** Together with the industrial partners, the crucial points for designing a production network broker were worked out and on this basis four use cases were defined. For these four use cases, "Minimal Viable Products", i.e. prototypical solutions that can be implemented quickly, were developed in individual modules and later integrated into a continuous process. Contact persons: E. Broda (Project manager) M. Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik S. Wiesner Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2021 See project's publications See project's page (dpnb.de) |
COL4INDLOG Collaborative processes for industry and logistics interaction including B2B and B2G and the synchro modality paradigm Global production networks require efficient transport logistics. To improve the cooperation between transport service providers and their customers, the project developed a digital platform that supports the quotation and selection of transport services as well as the interactive planning and administration of transport processes. The platform compares available service offerings in terms of price, time requirements and carbon dioxide emissions, automatically transfers quotation data into bookings and facilitates their iterative supplementation. Blockchain mechanisms support the secure exchange of associated electronic documents. This increases process transparency, avoids planning errors and reduces the amount of information required. Contact persons: M. Teucke (Project manager) E. Broda Funded by: EU Duration: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021 See project's publications See project's page (https://www.mitmynid.com/home/col4indlog/) |
KiNaLog Customer-specific Sustainable Logistics Durch den Online-Handel gewinnt die Konsumentenlogistik zunehmend an Bedeutung. Dabei ergibt sich ein Dilemma für Endkund*innen, bei dem der Komfort einer Online-Bestellung höheren CO2-Emissionen im Vergleich zum Supermarkteinkauf gegenüberstehen. Im Rahmen des Projekts wurde mit einem sozialwissenschaftlichen Ansatz Endkund*innen zum individuellen Einkaufsverhalten befragt. Auf Basis der Befragungen wurden unterschiedliche Szenarien für die Stadt Bremen vom BIBA simuliert. Die Ergebnisse der Befragungen und der Simulationen zeigen, dass Kunden individuell zur CO2-Emissionsvermeidung bei verschiedenen Optionen tendieren. Auf der anderen Seite konnte gezeigt werden, dass vermeintlich schlechtere Logistikoptionen mit höherer CO2-Emission bei optimaler logistischer Planung ihre negativen Einflüsse verlieren. Contact persons: M. Trapp (Project manager) Funded by: Zentrale Forschungsförderung Universität Bremen Duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2021 See project's publications See project's page |
Manufaktur 4.0 Quality-oriented production control and optimization in food production The project „Manufactur 4.0“ developed and implemented prototypically a procedure for a digital and quality-oriented production planning and control for production of delicatessen. For all ingredients of a selected delicatessen product, raw material-specific quality-time profiles were determined in the project by means of sensory analyses in laboratory tests. In addition, the energy inputs and consumptions of the production were analysed and future energy concepts were investigated. Furthermore, a sensor-based identification system for a digitalised container management was designed and evaluated as a basis for the implementation of a digitalised production control. Finally, a procedure for quality-oriented production planning and control was developed. In preparation for a future implementation of the procedure in the production of Deutsche See, it was prototypically implemented using digital twins. Our models showed a possible decrease of 21 per cent regarding throughput time, increase of 17 per cent regarding the utilisation of production facilities and an optimisation of production-specific energy consumption, as well as a reduction in food waste. Through the developed production control, a contribution can be made to achieving the climate targets. Contact persons: D. Rippel L. Steinbacher Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE Duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2021 See project's publications See project's page |
WireWizard BIM-based assistance system for laying electrical cables by means of true-to-scale projection of circuit diagrams Software support for the planning, construction and management of buildings can prevent errors and significantly increase productivity. However, digitization has not yet been thoroughly implemented. For example, in the case of electrical installations, numerous problems can be found with regard to the creation of correct measurements, the transfer of changes, and the checking of individual trades. The aim of the project was to develop a mobile assistance system that would enable end-to-end digitization of electrical installations. Regarding the sensor technology, a LiDAR camera was used to take 2D/3D images of the respective room section. In addition, a high-resolution range finder and a laser projector were installed. A web framework was developed to display the stored and recorded data. The BIBA has developed the 360° room registration by means of LiDAR camera, whereby the correct point cloud registration takes place, as well as the semantic 2D analysis of the wall surfaces is investigated. Contact persons: M. Lütjen (Project manager) W. Zeitler Funded by: BMWK Duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2021 See project's publications See project's page |
OffshorePlan Complementary application of mathematical and discrete-event models to solve complex planning and control problems in offshore construction logistics Offshore construction logistics pose a challenging problem in terms of planning and control. Generally, one can differentiate two approaches: event-discrete simulations and mathematical optimizations. Both methods provide their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of computational time, level of detail, and optimality. This project aimed to provide a foundation for the complementary use of both model types. Therefore, the project resulted in a set of tools that, e.g., enable users to derive discrete-event simulations and mathematical models for different subproblems from a single unified metamodel. Moreover, the resulting models can provide decision support on an operational level, taking into account current weather forecasts. Contact persons: M. Lütjen (Project manager) N. Jathe D. Rippel Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.04.2019 - 30.09.2021 See project's publications See project's page |
IRiS Interactive robotic system for unloading of sea containers The unloading of containers is one of the last non-automated activities in a highly developed transport chain. A significant proportion of imported and exported containers are unloaded or loaded in seaports. Existing automatic and semi-automatic systems do not meet the requirements of port operators due to high investment costs, long commissioning times and adaptations to the infrastructure and have a low degree of dissemination. The aim of the IRiS project was to develop a novel, mobile robot system for improving the efficiency and ergonomics of handling processes at seaports. The mechatronics developed for this purpose enables unloading of entire rows of parcels on the one hand, and a fast and flexible deployment without major adaptations to existing operational infrastructure on the other. In addition, an intuitive human-robot interaction interface was developed to handle disturbances as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Contact persons: N. Hoppe C. Petzoldt L. Rolfs Funded by: BMVI Duration: 01.09.2017 - 31.07.2021 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.iris-projekt.de) |
F.I.T. Gaerautomat Development of a fully automatic fermenter with automatic determination of the fermentation state Dough fermentation is essential for the bread production process, since not properly fermented doughs lead to low quality breads. Expert personnel do the monitoring of this process manually, which causes quality fluctuations. In this research project, an assistant monitoring system was created to measure changes in the size of the doughs during the fermentation process and if needed adjust parameters such as relative humidity and temperature automatically. This results in uniform growth of the doughs, improving the product quality. An intelligent fermentation system equipped with a LiDAR camera, a movable linear axis and a processing unit was developed. The recognition of the dough pieces from the images and point clouds generated by the LiDAR camera is based on neural network analysis and point cloud processing implemented by the BIBA. Thanks to the vertical linear axis, several bread doughs can be monitored across different baking trays. In addition, it is possible to create and store fermentation reference curves. These can then be used to control temperature and relative humidity in the fermentation chamber to reduce deviationsand to ensure a consistent product quality.. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.10.2017 - 15.07.2021 See project's publications See project's page |
LNG Armaturen Set Development of a sensitive valve set for high-volume ship to ship LNG transfer The use of LNG (liquefied natural gas) propulsion systems in ships has major environmental advantages, as it reduces emissions in sea areas and ports. The advantages of this approach in terms of transportation and storage are offset by major handling challenges. There is a lack of sensitive fitting sets for high-volume ship-to-ship LNG transfer. The task of BIBA was to develop an augmented reality (AR) solution that can be used for maintenance and service purposes of these valves. Thus, a digital assistance system using AR technology for application to LNG valves was developed and evaluated. The development approach was based on the process for designing usable systems, according to DIN 9241-210. An evaluation was carried out by means of a combined quantitative and qualitative user study as well as an expert review, which led to very good results in terms of usability and workload. The AR solution developed on the basis of an Android smartphone enables users to access maintenance instructions and manuals, simplifies spare parts ordering, and supports the work process through context-sensitive step-bystep virtualization. Contact persons: H. Stern (Project manager) R. Leder Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.03.2019 - 30.06.2021 See project's publications See project's page |
CooPick Collaborative robot-robot-human interaction for fruit laying Depending on flexibility and capacity requirements, placing fruit on conveyors is performed either completely manually or fully automated in large plants. Affiliated to the process are quality control and final packaging. Against this background, large rationalization potentials for medium flexibility and capacity requirements can be identified by partial automation. Therefore, a robot-robot-human collaborative fruit placing system was developed by the BIBA together with the TU Kaiserslautern and the company MWZ for control engineering. The fruits are transported in a special conveyor belt, which is controlled by the main system, so that the velocity and position of the belt is known. A camera system detects the pose and defects of the fruits, and send this information to a robotic system with two robotic arms with specially adapted grippers to pick up the fruit without affecting its quality. Both arms work in collaboration with the employees at the conveyor belt to pick up the fruit and place it correctly on a tray, so that it can be properly packed. As a result of the project, the camera system was able to detect the position and rotation of different types of apples using state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks. Additionally, a near-infrared camera was used to detect bruises and surface defects in apples using different neural network architectures such as SSD (Single Shot Detection) and U-Nets. This way it was possible to perform a quality inspection for each apple. This information was sent to the robotic system using the robotic operative system framework, ROS. The robotic system was able to properly pack and sort the apples in collaboration with human workers. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.01.2018 - 15.04.2021 See project's publications See project's page |
AxIoM Gamified AI Assistance System for Support of Manual Assembly Processes In the AxIoM research project, a novel assistance system based on artificial intelligence for manual assembly stations was developed. The system checks the assembly process and the quality of the product to be manufactured on the one hand and implements human-centered assistance functionalities on the other. Using image processing and machine learning methods, the system analyzes process data and camera-based information gathered at the assembly station with regard to the ergonomic and production-related work situation. By combining informational process guidance with worktop-projection, automatic monitoring of assembly process and component status, ergonomics posture recognition, and incentive-based gamification, the system was able to reduce both, process times and assembly errors, and achieved a high level of user acceptance. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt (Project manager) D. Keiser Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE / FEI Duration: 01.06.2019 - 31.03.2021 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.efre-bremen.de) |
VirtuOS Multi-Criteria Optimization of Position and Configuration of 3D Sensors through Virtual Reality for Flexible Automation Solutions in Logistics The design of flexible handling robots and autonomous vehicles for logistic processes is a great challenge due to heterogeneous objects, variable environmental conditions and complex properties of the 3D sensor technology. In the VirtuOS project, a freely available online tool was developed with which application scenarios in virtual space can be freely configured and 3D sensor data realistically simulated. Depending on different optimization criteria, the multi-criteria optimization provides an optimal sensor configuration specific to the application. Automation companies, system integrators and suppliers of sensor/image processing solutions will be supported in the selection and configuration of sensor technology. The tool accelerates development cycles and the rapid development of new business areas. Contact persons: A. Börold (Project manager) L. Panter Funded by: BMWi / AiF Duration: 01.06.2018 - 28.02.2021 See project's publications See project's page |
LNG Safety Safety process system for cryogenic fluid transfer When handling cryogenic fluids (for example, liquefied natural gas), there are major risks with regard to operational safety. The project pursued the development of a safety system that can be used when refueling a ship with LNG by using a bunkering vessel. In this context, BIBA developed a safety system. This is to be used to monitor the hazardous area. It includes monitoring for possible gas leaks as well as environmental monitoring to prevent injuries to people. The safety system is based on a combined RGB and thermal camera, which in combination with Deep Learning algorithms enables automatic hazard detection within the use cases. In this way, detection of persons in the hazardous area can be ensured even under maritime conditions (e.g. poor visibility due to fog) during bunkering. Extensive laboratory tests demonstrated that the selected approach enables reliable detection of the use cases based on thermal images and thus represents a promising alternative to a monitoring approach based on RGB images due to its robustness against maritime environmental conditions. Contact persons: H. Stern (Project manager) N. Jathe Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.03.2019 - 28.02.2021 See project's publications See project's page |
MARGO Optimizing Material Flow with AGVÂ’s in Ring Gear Production Due to a lack of skilled workers and external cost pressure, small and medium-sized production companies are also forced to optimize and automate processes. A great potential lies in logistic processes, which often take place manually and thus require productive working time of skilled personnel. For small and medium-sized companies, however, the initial investment for automated processes represents a major hurdle. The MARGO project aims to use OPIL, an open platform for the integration of logistics processes, to demonstrate the optimisation potential of internal logistics processes in a simple and fast way by means of simulations and to prove the feasibility by means of a pilot test. Thus the risk of an investment is reduced to a minimum and the complete integration can be planned more easily. For the identification of optimizations, the production environment of a ring gear manufacturer is mapped in a 3D simulation environment, which is part of OPIL. In this way, different application scenarios of automated guided vehicles (AGV) can be evaluated and compared quickly and cost-effectively. A prototype AGV will be integrated into the cloud based IoT platform. This allows existing processes to be combined with new material handling processes. Contact persons: L. Rolfs (Project manager) N. Hoppe D. Schweers Funded by: EU - H2020 Duration: 01.03.2020 - 31.01.2021 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.l4ms.eu/content/production-waste-%E2%80%93-good-starting-point-when-automating-intra-factory-logistics) |
STRADegy STRADegy – Automated Container handling by Using Straddle Carriers The overall objective of the project STRADegy, which was conducted by EUROGATE and BIBA, was to increase the productivity and flexibility in container handling, to reduce the environmental impact, and to increase the security of German seaports. Within the project, automated straddle carriers were evaluated in a field test in Europe for the first time. A straddle carrier is a highly flexible freight-carrying vehicle used for stacking and moving standard containers in container terminals. To achieve the research objectives, a multitude of technical and operational concepts had to be developed and evaluated. A focus was the applicability of the developed concepts for a wide range of container terminals. For this purpose, standard interfaces had to be developed to link IT systems from different manufacturers, such as terminal operating systems (TOS), which control the handling processes in terminals. In this context, BIBA contributed to the design of the pilot experiments and ensured that innovative research approaches were considered throughout all phases of the project. Furthermore, guidelines were prepared that will help to automate mega container terminals in the future. Additionally, the profitability of an automation was assessed through a comprehensive cost simulation. The project STRADegy received funding from the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur, BMVI) as part of the program for innovative harbour technologies (IHATEC). Contact persons: S. Oelker (Project manager) S. Eberlein H. Stern Funded by: BMVI Duration: 01.03.2017 - 31.12.2020 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.stradegy-projekt.de/) |
InspectionCopter Development of a drone with an attached device for the inspection of wind turbines Rotor blade inspection of wind turbines with hub heights of up to 160 m and blade lengths of up to 88 m is a challenge for service technicians. To support them in the future, the project is developing a drone for automatic inspection of the rotor blade surface. The rotor blade to be inspected is automatically flown off and examined for surface defects by means of optical measuring methods and machine learning. An attachment device also allows the drone to make contact with the rotor blade to test the lightning protection device. Contact persons: M. Lütjen B. Staar Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2020 See project's publications See project's page |
VR-SUSTAIN Simulation-based training for accident prevention in the automotive industry In the VR-SUSTAIN project, a training environment was developed to familiarize trainees and skilled workers in automotive production with the existing risks. Virtual reality (VR) technology was used to provide participants with a realistic, immersive learning experience in a specially designed safe environment. Two learning scenarios were implemented: the prevention of physical misuse in the manufacturing process in conjunction with the prevention of scratches and dents on automobiles, and accident prevention in the handling of electrical equipment. Through the implementation of the learning scenarios in the VR-SUSTAIN project, important knowledge was gained about the development and implementation of VR-based training in the manufacturing industry in Europe. Contact persons: M. Quandt Funded by: EU - EIT Manufacturing Duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020 See project's publications See project's page |
safeguARd Augmented Reality-based assistance system for commercial vehicles to raise the safety level In the safeguARd project, BIBA and the companies craniMAX GmbH and Motec GmbH and the Chair of Robot Systems at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern have developed an augmented reality (AR)-based assistance system for commercial vehicles to increase safety in the workspace. The safeguARd assistance system enables the early detection of occurring hazardous situations concerning the load and working space of mobile cranes with the help of image-processing methods. In the safeguARd project, BIBA dealt with trajectory prediction and collision detection of persons in the danger zone of the mobile crane. On this basis, BIBA developed an AR-based display of the crane operator's work area. The AR solution was implemented on a head-mounted display. Contact persons: M. Quandt (Project manager) L. Panter B. Staar L. Steinbacher Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.06.2017 - 30.11.2020 See project's publications See project's page |
ALSO 4.0 Increasing the efficiency of an aluminium furnace by the use of intelligent control modules, extended sensors and innovative solution methodology in the combustion technology The production of molten aluminium is an energy intensive process. To increase energy and material efficiency, machine learning can be used to learn models from sensor data used to control processes. The aim is to develop an adaptive partial control system to determine the optimum process parameters so that the performance can be adapted to melting material. This increases the degree of automation of the entire furnace. Contact persons: D. Schweers Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.06.2017 - 30.11.2020 See project's publications See project's page |
PiB Predictive and intelligent technical operation to reduce the risk of icing of wind turbines - Data Mining and Data Analytics Structural loads do not only stress wind turbines and rotor blades, they are also affected by extreme environmental influences. Depending on the location of the wind turbine, there is a risk of icing at the leading edge of the rotor blades, in particular at low temperatures and high atmospheric humidity. Within the PiB project, a predictive and intelligent technical operation to reduce the risk of icing of wind turbines will be investigated. Therefore, a new, comprehensive approach based on data mining and data analysis is adopted. In this concept, historical data, meteorological data, and lifecycle data in addition to the current SCADA data is considered. In addition, the innovative system is not limited to one wind turbine or one wind farm. Furthermore, it is planned to enable networking with other wind parks. As result, it is intended to provide a comprehensive picture of the individual risk of icing for each wind turbine. Contact persons: J. Ohlendorf (Project manager) A. Ait Alla M. Kreutz Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.12.2017 - 01.11.2020 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.pib-projekt.de/) |
IPM Individual Predictive Maintenance - Individuelle Prognose von Motordefekten von Schienenfahrzeugen Maintenance of diesel engines of rail vehicles has been carried out reactively or preventively at periodic intervals. However, a reactive approach is usually associated with high follow-up costs. Periodic preventive measures also generate avoidable maintenance costs since components that could often have been used for a longer period of time are replaced as a precaution. Predictive maintenance, which makes measures necessary only when they are needed, can minimize expenses without increasing the risk of engine failures and resulting costs. In the course of the project, typical damage patterns of various engines were analyzed to determine the necessary sensor technology for early wear detection and to define target criteria for fault forecasts. Subsequently, a sensor concept was developed that allows retrofitting of engines with a toolbox system to monitor economically relevant damage. After the requirements analysis, the toolbox and a procedure for the automated selection of predictive models were implemented. Finally, the toolbox was evaluated on the DB Fahrzeuginstandhaltung test bench at the Bremen plant. The result of the project is a toolbox to collect and evaluate sensor data. A special feature is that a suitable predictive model is automatically selected to estimate a component's remaining lifetime. In the application case of diesel engines of rail vehicles, anomalies in the operating behavior, which were caused by, for example, an imbalance of the turbocharger shaft, can be identified clearly. Based on such information on the engine's current condition, optimized maintenance planning can be carried out. However, it should be noted that relative to the high complexity of a diesel engine, only a few components could be considered, and few experiments could be carried out. Thus, sufficient potential for future research projects remains. Contact persons: H. Engbers (Project manager) S. Leohold Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE Duration: 01.02.2019 - 31.10.2020 See project's publications See project's page |
RETROFIT Recyclable insulated shipping containers for food Food retailing has expanded to online distribution in recent years. However, the use of EPS packaging, such as Styropor©, has a strong negative impact on the eco-balance of the individual products and a lot of waste remains with the customer. In the RETROFIT project, a sustainable cooling solution was developed. Cellulose-containing material in the form of paper dust, which is a residual material from waste paper recycling, was used as the starting material. This was used to produce paper foam sheets, which served as the base material for the RETROFIT insulated container. BIBA's subproject then dealt with the logistic design of the overall solution and the development of a sustainable cooling solution. The evaluation of the prototype solution in field tests showed similar insulating behavior to conventional EPS packaging over a period of more than 48 hours. The sustainable cooling solution developed by BIBA was able to demonstrate excellent cooling properties in the deep-freeze range of below -18°C. Contact persons: M. Lütjen (Project manager) Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.04.2018 - 30.09.2020 See project's publications See project's page |
KIPro AI supported platform for the assistance of production control for improving energy efficiency Current energy management systems are only able to capture the energy data and determine key indicators. Methods of artificial intelligence offer the potential to analyze this enhanced knowledge to support the decision-making process for the selection of process parameters for an energy-efficient production. This approach could increase the transparency of the use of energy by giving automated suggestions which allow to lower the primary energy demand.The KIPro research project examines the possibilities of improving energy efficiency in industrial plants with strongly varying properties of the input materials. The aim is to reduce energy demand through the use of methods of artificial intelligence, such as artificial neural networks in combination with deep learning, architectures, semantic mediators and expert systems, without compromising product quality. These systems analyses large amounts of data and identify specific patterns and rules, training and improving their own knowledge base in order to offer specific proposals for an energy-optimized process. Contact persons: K. Burow Q. Deng M. Franke Z. Ghrairi K. Klein Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2020 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.kipro-projekt.de/) |
Isabella Automobile logistics in sea- and inland ports: interactive and simulation-based operation planning, dynamic and context-based control of device- and load movements Logistic processes on sea and inland ports play an important role in the context of finished vehicle logistics. Due to increasing dynamics and complexity, the planning and control of these processes requires high flexibility and reactivity. The project Isabella comprises the development of solutions for the improvement of the planning and control processes on sea and inland ports. The developed planning and control system was implemented for pilot testing on the vehicle port of the BLG in Bremerhaven. The developed planning tool works on a visual and thus most intuitive basis. A multi-touch table visualizes a 3D-layout of the terminal. Furthermore, the interactive planning tool allows the simulation based comparison of planning alternatives and the graphical visualization of the simulation results. Furthermore, the process of order assignments was digitalized and an optimization algorithm was developed for the management of vehicle movements on the vehicle port. The algorithm assigns tasks based on the current order situation and the location of the vehicles. The developed tracking and tracing system for the localization of the vehicle locations in indoor areas is based on WLAN Round Trip Time. The interactive planning tool supports the users by the visualization of the planning situation and enables planning adjustments depending on the expected order development. The task assignment based on the localization of the vehicles results in route optimization and the minimization of empty runs. The project was carried out in cooperation with the project partners BLG and 28Apps. The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) as part of the program for innovative port technologies (IHATEC). Contact persons: S. Schukraft (Project manager) M. Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik N. Jathe M. Lütjen S. Oelker Funded by: BMVI Duration: 01.07.2017 - 30.06.2020 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.projekt-isabella.de/) |
LoRaLight Development of a highly flexible picking system Picking is a core process of intralogistics tasks and pursues the goal of compiling deliveries according to customer order; the deliveries are thus subsets of the entire product range. The installation of complex and wired infrastructure systems that supports efficient picking procedures is expensive and also poorly adaptable to a changing warehouse infrastructure. An additional problem in the area of ??quality assurance of the picking process is the monitoring of the correct picking processes (picks). This is especially true when picking from non-sorted subjects has to be executed as well as the simultaneous processing of multiple orders, in which an item that has been picked takes place in order-specific containers on a picking trolley. In the project, this gap is to be closed by developing a picking system that can be easily and inexpensively integrated into an existing warehouse infrastructure, maintaining a high degree of flexibility of adaptation and ensuring high quality standards. The maintenance effort should also be significantly lower than with conventional wireless systems. The system to be developed represents a deliberate departure from the development trend of continuous automation of warehouses and picking processes. Contact persons: M. Trapp (Project manager) M. Lütjen Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.11.2017 - 30.04.2020 See project's publications See project's page |
EILa Examining the influence of „Industry 4.0“ on Factory Layout Planning In the context of ongoing industrial digitization, new technologies are introduced to make production processes more efficient. The digital data, which are created and processed by cyber-physical systems, promise additional improvements for adjacent areas, e.g. the restructuring of factories. Thus, the trend towards "Industry 4.0" influences factory planning and requires adapted methods for this task. Within the project EILa, the prospects of digitized factory planning were identified and examined, based on a literature study as well as an empirical investigation . The results serves as a methodical guideline for state-of-the-art factory layout planning and identifies further research areas for adaptable digital factories. Contact persons: M. Teucke (Project manager) H. Engbers L. Steinbacher Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE Duration: 20.11.2018 - 31.03.2020 See project's publications See project's page |
KlimAR Augmented Reality-based assistance system for the maintenance of complex heating, air conditioning and cooling technology In the course of the stable development of the German construction industry, the heating, ventilation, and climate control technology sector is recording steady employment growth. In addition to a growing shortage of skilled workers, the increasing networking of the world of work is creating new challenges for skilled technical personnel. As a result, there is a need to provide any employee involved in a work process with all the information needed to perform a work task in real-time. Technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), which enrich reality with virtual information, are particularly suitable for this purpose. Therefore, BIBA and AnyMotion GmbH developed an AR-based assistance system to support service technicians in the maintenance of heating, air conditioning, and cooling systems. The KlimAR assistance system supports the service technicians in their workflow during the maintenance of complex heating, air conditioning, and cooling systems. The use of data glasses made it possible to prepare and supply technical documentation in the work process, to provide orientation and work support with the help of additional virtual information and to adapt the documents used by interacting with the displayed content. In this way, it was possible to reduce the search effort in the maintenance process significantly and to support the documentation tasks that had previously occurred. Contact persons: M. Quandt (Project manager) Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.10.2017 - 31.12.2019 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.klimar.biba.uni-bremen.de/) |
Geregelt Integrated control for the energy self-sufficient operation of large-scale infrastructure based on environmental data In the project Geregelt, an integrated control system for the energy-efficient operation of building technology in large infrastructures was developed. This control system connects the existing energy sources and energy storage with energy consumers while incorporating external data (e.g. environmental data, passenger data, aircraft arrivals, weather). The control system was implemented for the exemplary application scenario "apron lighting" at the Bremen Airport. In this scenario, data on aircraft arrivals and parking positions as well as brightness information are automatically implemented in the lighting control system. The proportion of artificial light provided by the dimmable LED floodlights supplements the natural brightness in such a way that the required amount of light (e.g. traffic route lighting, boarding lighting, maintenance lighting) is achieved for each specific position. In a second application scenario, the control system for the BIBA-auditorium was implemented. The technical implementation of the control system is currently being completed in order to finally integrate the complex communication of the control system with the building control system of the university. The environment and the finances already benefit from the lower energy consumption due to the new energy systems (heating, LED lighting). The project has also used the example of the major infrastructure of Bremen Airport to investigate future-oriented options for energy-efficient operation of energy and building services engineering, such as the use of storage technologies and electromobility, by means of a simulation study. The study examined various system configurations and derived corresponding timetables for the operation of the systems. The study showed that the desired smoothing of the load curves could be achieved to reduce the costs for external energy purchases. The examined scenarios were transferred to a future energy concept. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.06.2016 - 31.12.2019 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.geregelt.biba.uni-bremen.de/) |
SKILLS Development and demonstration of a rapid and cost-effective installation concept for offshore wind turbines The objective of the project was to develop an innovative and safe installation and logistics concept. Therefore, new transport and lifting concepts for wind turbine components of 6-MW turbines at the North Sea were developed in order to face conditions of a significant wave height of 2.0 m. The results were demonstrated on a real offshore site. The research objectives within these project included a significant improvement of the present logistics concepts as well as the development of basics and technologies for the future use of feeder vessel concepts. Contact persons: J. Ohlendorf (Project manager) A. Ait Alla N. Hoppe S. Oelker Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.09.2015 - 31.12.2019 See project's publications See project's page |
SaSCh Digital Services for Shaping Agile Supply Chains The main objective of the SaSCh joint project, together with the project partners Robert Bosch GmbH, BLG LOGISTICS, queo GmbH and GS1 Germany GmbH, was a continuous end-to-end monitoring of the status and logistical quality of parts, components and products within supply processes. An automotive supply chain served as a test case. The SaSCh project developed an innovative technical solution that integrates mobile sensors, gateways, 3D image processing, cloud platforms and digital services. In result, quality-relevant environmental influences on the products as well as the geolocation of transports are recorded and digitalised. For event-based data exchange, the EPCIS standard has been extended with means for the exchange of sensor and quality data. Based on the generated data, digital services ensure product and process quality in supply chains. From the perspective of the automotive industry, transparency and responsiveness against supply chain disruptions are increased. As a result, special transports, reworking or production downtimes can be reduced. The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) as part of the technology programme “PAiCE-Digital Technologies for the Economy”. Contact persons: M. Teucke (Project manager) A. Börold Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.11.2016 - 31.10.2019 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.sasch-projekt.de) |
OBELiSK Smart Outdoor Lighting Concept in a Port Environment The aim of the research project "OBELiSK - Intelligent Outdoor Lighting Concept in a Port Environment" is to derive motion patterns or motion prognoses from operational data and DGPS coordinates of the port handling equipment or via smartphones using algorithms and thus enable intelligent lighting of a terminal by dimming LEDs. In addition, it must be possible to illuminate certain areas for special events via a central control system. The consortium estimates that lighting can save around 20% of current energy consumption. Contact persons: M. Trapp (Project manager) S. Oelker L. Steinbacher Funded by: BMVI Duration: 01.09.2018 - 31.10.2019 See project's publications See project's page |
MOBISTAR InTeWIND - MOBISTAR / Development of a mobile and stationary wire rope monitoring system The aim of the project is the development and testing of an automatic monitoring system for wire ropes based on an innovative and intelligent measuring method. Therefore, a mobile system will be developed, which is also designed for a permanent installation on the wire rope. Consequently, the determination of the condition from the wire rope and a permanent monitoring will be possible with the system to be developed. Contact persons: M. Trapp (Project manager) S. Oelker Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.06.2017 - 31.05.2019 See project's publications See project's page |
Curing-Transponder Development and integration of RFID transponders to monitor curing during the manufacturing process and for product life cycle management of fibre composite components In the production of fibre composite components, it is still a problem to monitor the curing process reliable. In this project a Curing Transponder was developed, which uses RFID technology to detect the curing of fibre composite components. The project focuses on glass and carbon fibre components. The transponder can store detailed data about the component state and send this data to a software system. This system can interpret the RFID-Signal in order to visualize the curing process. Thus, its possible to control the production steps more efficiently. The BIBA institute conducted the data analysis and the development of algorithms which are necessary to interpret the RFID signals to determine the curing process of the fibre composite components. The project was performed in cooperation with the Faserinstitut Bremen [FIBRE] and the companies tagItron (Salzkotten) and Haindl Kunststoffverarbeitung (Bremen). Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.03.2016 - 28.02.2019 See project's publications See project's page |
SFB747 - B5 Qualitätsprüfung und logistische Qualitätslenkung mikrotechnischer Fertigungsprozesse **Subproject B5 - Safe Processes** In the 3rd phase of funding, the Project B5 aims at realization of a method for an automated quality inspection of cold formed micro parts. This method has to be integrated on the existing demonstrator platform. The result will be a fast and calibrated 3D-metrology system that can automatically measure deviations of object geometries in a measurement volume of about 1 mm3. Thereby in addition to deviations from the object geometry, undesired surface imperfections can be detected, which may be within the tolerances but still weaken the structure of the thin-walled components. Thus, the fast acquisition of the micro parts surface turns from a random sample inspection, being developed throughout the 2nd phase, into a 100% inspection. Contact persons: M. Lütjen B. Staar Funded by: DFG Sonderforschungsbereich Duration: 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2018 See project's publications See project's page |
SFB747 - C4 A Simultaneous Engineering methodology for micro cold forming processes **Subproject C4 - Simultaneous Engineering** The manufacturing of micro components is characterized by a complex interplay of material, process and control parameters. Slight changes to single operations can have a drastic impact on the manufacturing costs and qualities of the overall process chain. Consequently, the subproject C4 is developing a method for the planning and configuration of micro process chains, that enables an integrated process and production planning by the use of so called cause-effect networks. The continuation of the project focusses on the development of methods for (semi-)automatic generation of process chains based on workpiece features. Contact persons: M. Lütjen (Project manager) D. Rippel Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2018 See project's publications See project's page |
DiWi Nord „Mit uns digital!“ Mittelstand 4.0 – Kompetenzzentrum, Hannover Within the „Mit uns digital!“ Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum, Hannover, the BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik at the University of Bremen - has established its "factory of expertise" on Autonomous Control in Production und Logistics, which is able to offer services to small and medium sized enterprises (SME) coping with digital logistics and Industrie 4.0. Services offered by the BIBA "factory of expertise" include demonstration of own activities related to "Industrie 4.0" and digital logistics, instruction and training courses for SME employees as well as dialogue workshops with SME. - The training and instruction courses aim to qualify SME employees to gain expertise in digital logistics. - The dialogue workshops aim at identifying potential applications of digital logistics within SME and specifying projects to implement them. These services are currently offered within the project "Mittelsand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Bremen". Contact persons: M. Teucke Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018 See project's publications See project's page |
bIoTope Building an IoT OPen innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects The Internet of Things (IoT) brings opportunities to create new services and products, reducing costs for societies, and changing how services are sold and consumed. Despite this, one of the most critical obstacles are the "vertical silos" that shape today’s IoT. Indeed, vertical silos constitute a serious impediment to the creation of cross-domain, cross-platform and cross- organisational services due to the lack of interoperability and openness. The upcoming H2020 bIoTope project (grant agreement n° 688203), standing for Building an IoT OPen innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects, aims to lay the foundation for open innovation ecosystems, where companies can – with minimal investment – innovate by creating new Systems-of- Systems (SoS) platforms for connected smart objects. Contact persons: R. Hellbach K. Hribernik Funded by: H2020 Duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.biotope-project.eu/) |
CrushPack Development of a process to improve the crushability of packaging solutions made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) Online sales of fresh and frozen food (E-Food) requires a specialized packaging solution. Thereby, specific technical, economic and environmental requirements as well as the user experience have to be considered. Usually, this packaging is made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) and Styrofoam. The storage and disposal of these, comparably bulky EPS packaging is very difficult for private households and reduces the acceptance of E-Food. Therefore, the objective of this project is to the adaptation of the EPS packaging in order to increase its crushability and render it easier to store and dispose, while retaining its thermodynamic properties. The task of the BIBA focusses on the theoretical and simulative development of a product and process model for the integrated simulation and optimization of the manufacturing process. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.07.2016 - 30.06.2018 See project's publications See project's page |
QUEST Gamification for Qualification of Offshore Wind Energy Service Technicians The competition for offshore wind energy maintenance services is steadily increasing. The quality of the service represents the decisive differentiation feature in the industry. In addition, public requirements lead to the necessity of constant further development and training of the employees. As a result of the decentralized service stations, further trainings are characterized by high logistics costs due to the transfer of employees to central qualification measures. At the same time, the weather conditions at sea, for example, frequently lead to temporal free spaces, which could potentially be used for qualification measures. The aim of the project is to improve competitiveness through the considerably more effective training of the staff. On the one hand, e-Learning enables the aspect of decentralised and temporally flexible mediation of learning contents. On the other hand, the gamification approach is designed to increase the acceptance and motivation of the staff. Results gained from the analysis of service logs are serving as input for the overall solution, in order to develop a comprehensive and useful application. Contact persons: L. Panter Funded by: Land Bremen Duration: 01.12.2016 - 31.05.2018 See project's publications See project's page |
PraeVISION Development of preemptive methods towards increased work safety at ground conveyors through fusion and analysis of 2D and 3D image sensor data Each accident at work is a personal fate and at the same time an economic loss for the employer and for society. The application range of powered industrial vehicles within intralogistics offers a high risk potential. Driver assistance systems for industrial vehicles such as forklifts can be used here in order to increase the attention of potentially affected employees at the crucial moment and warn the people involved. The project aims at both researching general methods to improve work safety at motor-powered ground conveyors and specifically applying 2D/3D image processing methods in a demonstrator system to prove this method effective in increasing work safety in such an environment. The developed demonstrator can serve as a basis to engineer a system for ground conveyors to notify the driver of potential hazards, which then could be integrated and retrofitted into ground conveyors independent of the manufacturer. Contact persons: A. Börold (Project manager) Funded by: DGUV Duration: 01.03.2015 - 31.03.2018 See project's publications See project's page |
JobNet 4.0 Decision-making tool for adaptive designing of PPS-methods for contract manufacturers of dynamic collective orders in aviation industry Within the collaborative project JobNet 4.0 the BIBA developed a decision-making software tool. It especially helps small and medium-sized aviation enterprises to find the right methods of production planning and control (PPS) for alternating order situations. This tool is compatible with existing software systems, thus, it can be quickly integrated into the PPS processes, and it is transferable to other industries such as mechanical engineering or the automotive industry. Project partners were Quast Praezisionstechnik GmbH and FMM Finkenwerder Metall- und Maschinenbau OHG operating in Hamburg. Contact persons: S. Schukraft Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.06.2015 - 30.09.2017 See project's publications See project's page |
Omniketten Development of omnidirectional tracks for construction machines Omnidirectional drives are very common in the robotics area. They enable a robot to move on a plane completely free and thus an excellent maneuverability. But they also impose high demands on the evenness and cleanliness of the roadway. The construction machinery market constantly calls for improvements in maneuverability of the machinery. Omnidirectional drive technology can meet such requirements. However a direct transfer from the omnidirectional technology commonly used for robot applications is not possible due to the work environment found at construction sites. The Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics (BIBA) developed in collaboration with the Company IVA Johann Construction GmbH an innovative omnidirectional track system for applications involving construction equipment in the harshest environments. The system will be designed, simulated and the finally constructed. The interaction of the system elements with the surface are of great interest due to the challenges imposed by the new kind of tracking system. Contact persons: N. Hoppe Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.01.2015 - 30.06.2017 See project's publications See project's page |
IeK Information system for near real-time coordination of offshore transport under consideration of specific resource characteristics and dynamic weather and swell conditions For the efficient operation of an offshore wind park it requires well-balanced and cost-efficient logistics. The joint project IeK aims at the development of a real-time planning and control system through the connection of forecast data and real weather data, data of the sea, data of ship movement and order data. Due to the steady expansion of offshore wind energy and the resulting need for maintenance of such facilities, the number of supply tours increases significantly. The great number of facilities, high costs for transport, material and personnel and the rising complexity of the planning lead to a need for a comprehensive information system for planning and control as well as for the support of operational logistics processes. The aim of this research project, which BIBA Institute conducts together with the project partners cluetec, energy&meteo and Jade University of Applied Sciences, is the development of a system, which offers actors from the offshore wind energy service logistics a well-founded source of information for operational decision-making processes. This includes the current and future situation of weather and sea conditions and the individual performance of used transport ships. Furthermore, the system is supposed to provide the basis for efficient and high-quality pre-planning of resource allocation at sea. Additionally, a low-cost system for wave measurement will be developed. Contact persons: A. Ait Alla M. Quandt Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.05.2015 - 30.04.2017 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.iek.biba.uni-bremen.de/) |
AR Maintenance Syste Development of an assistance system to provide service technicians with support during wind turbine maintenance In the project AR maintenance system an assistance system for service technicians of wind turbines has been developed. The system supports the service technician - that is equipped with data glasses - by providing information for the execution of service orders and by documenting the relevant data. Within the project the system development has been divided in three subsystems: navigation, work instruction and life-time documentation. The subsystem navigation comprises the support of orientation and working sequence of the service technicians by applying methods of indoor localization and positioning. Within the subsystem work instruction a user-friendly interaction between data glasses and service technicians has been developed that includes, amongst others, the visualization of working instructions in the field of view. Documentation, data security and data storage have been work contents of the subsystem life-time documentation. Contact persons: M. Quandt (Project manager) A. Ait Alla Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.04.2015 - 31.03.2017 See project's publications See project's page |
Celluveyor II Cellular Conveyor The Cellular Conveyor, abbreviated Celluveyor, is a highly flexible modular conveying and positioning system that is based on the approach of cellular conveying technology. Small hexagonal modules contain specially arranged omnidirectional wheels, which are individually and selectively controlled. This enables the logistics operator to move and to position several objects simultaneously and independently on any track. The Celluveyor covers complex material handling tasks in a minimum of space. Contact persons: N. Hoppe Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.04.2016 - 31.03.2017 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.celluveyor.com) |
FIT4.0 Inverse fabric planning – intralogistics 4.0 The development of industry 4.0 lead to many cases of changes for producing companies. One special part is the factory planning, connected with the high requirements of plants that have to be more flexible and dynamic. There are many influences on new or reverse planning like dynamic material flows or individual manufacturing. Expanding the concepts of factory planning is the foundation for prospective planning projects. Based on the generally valid VDI 5200 the necessary factors of industry 4.0 will be added. Main aim was to develop a general concept for the intra-logistic planning with regard to industry 4.0. This concept is suitable to most producing companies. Identification, discussion and implementation of industry 4.0 for the intra-logistic as well as the innovative approach of invers planning strategy are parts of the described concept. Additionally, analyzing and developing information flows are central components of the developed concept combining findings of technological data sheets and identified weaknesses. Contact persons: Funded by: Land Bremen Duration: 01.09.2016 - 28.02.2017 See project's publications See project's page |
SFB747 - T3 Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Untersuchung von Funktionsflächen auf Mikrobauteilen im Inneren von Kavitäten Transfer Project T3 - Microcavity Realizing 100% quality inspection of micro parts requires an interplay between fast measurement and evaluation techniques. The aim of transfer project T3 is to achieve this goal in cooperation with the partner institute BIAS and the industry partner Hubert Stüken GmbH & Co. KG. Within this project BIBA develops fast and reliable evaluation algorithms, particularly suited for the digital holography developed at BIAS and the high production rates at Hubert Stüken GmbH & Co. KG. Contact persons: M. Lütjen B. Staar Funded by: BMWi / AiF Duration: 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2016 See project's publications See project's page |
preInO Methods and Tools for the Pro-Active Maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbine Generators In the project „preInO“ tools and methods for the realisation of a preacting maintenance were developed by means of artificial intelligence. These have been validated by means of a demonstrator. Great optimisation potentials concerning the deployment of personnel, spare parts and transport were pointed out. The project has been implemented in cooperation with the turbine manufacturer SENVION from Hamburg and the software developer SWMS from Oldenburg. Contact persons: S. Oelker (Project manager) A. Ait Alla Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.04.2013 - 30.09.2016 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.preino.de) |
IntraSafe ICT in intra-logistics – Increasing safety and efficiency through an intelligent use of ICT The use of forklift trucks implies a high risk of accidents in intra-logistics. Due to the demographic change and the forthcoming skilled worker shortage, it becomes more and more important for logistics companies to preserve the health of their workers, since the loss of know-how can often not be compensated especially in small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, the development of new technologies, that raise safety and efficiency and that support cognitive ability in working environments, will become increasingly important in the future. Therefore, the project IntraSafe concerns the development of an assistance system for forklift trucks. It is based on a linkage of workers and forklifts via infrared technology that enables a combination of collision avoidance and intelligent routing of forklift trucks for increasing safety and efficiency of logistics processes. Contact persons: S. Oelker (Project manager) Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.08.2014 - 31.07.2016 See project's publications See project's page |
Zentronom Methods for coupling central production planning with autonomous control The process of production planning and control contributes significantly to the efficiency of modern production systems. However, common central planning methods in industrial application show deficits in complex and dynamic production environments. In contrast to prevailing central control methods, approaches of autonomous control offer the chance to cope with these dynamic conditions more efficiently. An interlinking of central planning with autonomous control methods promises the advantages of both approaches. Nevertheless, there is currently a lack of knowledge concerning the interlinking of central production planning with autonomous production control. Therefore, the interdependencies have to be analysed in order to combine both approaches efficiently. The project developed efficient methods for the combination of central production planning with autonomous production control. This promises an improvement both of the logistical performance as well as the degree of production plan fulfilment. Contact persons: S. Schukraft Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.07.2013 - 30.06.2016 See project's publications See project's page (http://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/OCTOPUS/;jsessionid=55245D7D1BA87A2F2E4F43D3F18B0AF9?context=projekt&id=219950293&module=gepris&task=showDetail) |
ESecLog Erweiterte Sicherheit in der Luftfrachtkette While airfreight accounts for only one percent of total freight traffi c, the actual value of the goods transported by airfreight equates to 40 per cent. In addition, around 60 per cent of the freight is transported in passenger aircraft. For this reason, airfreight supply chains are regulated by strict security requirements. BIBA‘s involvement in the project included analysing existing logistics processes and regulations governing the handling of airfreight. BIBA designed new logistics process es based on the functions of the solutions that had been developed. It is hoped that these processes will lead to more automation and digitisation. The new processes were evaluated in test series at Bremen Airport. founded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the reference number 13N12640. Contact persons: K. Hribernik M. Lütjen Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.05.2013 - 30.06.2016 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.eseclog.de) |
Thermopack Ein modular aufgebautes Verpackungskonzept für die Tiefkühl- und Distributionslogistik The project Next Generation Thermopack developed an innovative packaging system for the distribution of frozen goods. Compared to conventional solutions a longer period of refrigeration can be realized with the same amount of dry ice. This saves costs and reduces the environmental impact. The prequalified packaging system is exclusively distributed by the K+S (Kühlund Spezialtransporte GmbH) from Bremerhaven, which developed the solution of insulated container and cooling element together with the BIBA. Contact persons: M. Lütjen (Project manager) Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.07.2014 - 30.09.2015 See project's publications See project's page |
LaMa LaMa - Intelligent load carrier management Goods, such as perishables, pharmaceutical and chemical products or electronic articles, which are sensitive to ambient influences, such as temperature fluctuations, high humidity or shocks, quality deficiencies occur frequently during transport. Nowadays, data loggers are used to measure ambient conditions during transport. Thus, faults caused by the transporters can be identified and proofed only afterwards. On the one hand the consequences are waste of highquality goods as well as financial losses and on the other hand time losses (replenishment time) that may lead to delays and customer dissatisfaction. Researches of BIBA had invented and patented the “adaptable telematics”. Based on this knowledge a prototype of the adaptable telematics was developed and tested within this projetct. In addition to a conventional GPRS gateway with GPS module, this unit consists of wireless sensor cubes. Hereby it is possible to measure ambient conditions in real time such as temperature, humidity, shock and light directly at the goods during transport and storage. Online monitoring enables logistics provider to react promptly to faults in order to reduce product losses. Furthermore, the created transparency makes it possible to detect possible faults at an early stage to avoid these faults. In addition, the transparency is used for tour planning, thus, the efficiency of logistics can be increased. Another advantage of the adaptable telematics is the detection of an unauthorized use of the load carrier and thus provide information to the user about the progress and the current location (e.g. for theft protection). In addition to the telematics system, a web portal was developed within the project as well. The applicability of both systems has been tested and proven in several field tests in cooperation with the HOYER Multilog. By using the system, the load carriers were monitored energy-efficiently as well as online, and the transparency was used to optimize logistic processes. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.01.2015 - 30.09.2015 See project's publications See project's page |
CyProS Cyber Physical Production Systems – Enhancement of Productivity and Flexibility by Networking Intelligent Systems in the Factory The research project CyProS acquired methods for developing Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) which contribute to a higher transparency and a better control of the complex production process. For this purpose the BIBA analyzed the manufacturing logistics‘ requirements of the gear factory Wittenstein AG and determined potential improvements. In order to make those capabilities accessible, the BIBA developed a concept for a Cyber-Physical logistics system called “Milkrun 4.0” and validated it by means of a simulation study. The simulation disclosed that the “Milkrun 4.0” reduces the material consumption by 30 percent while responsiveness is increased. The prototypical implementation in the company of Wittenstein AG fell to the project partner aio IT for Logistics GmbH. Furthermore, a competence and transfer centre has been initiated. On the one hand, CPS (-applications) are developed and tested in this centre. On the other hand, the wide range of CPS applications is presented to promote an acquisition of research findings into industry. Contact persons: M. Franke K. Hribernik Funded by: BMBF Duration: 15.09.2012 - 14.09.2015 See project's publications See project's page |
IPODS A Planning method for the integrated production and outbound distribution scheduling problem In this research project a planning method for the integrated production and outbound distribution planning problem was developed. Most of the existing planning methods in this research field are production or transport oriented with a low integration level of these two sub-problems. Thus, the overall goal of this project was the development of a conceptual and methodological support for solving the integrated planning problem. The goal of this research proposal was the development of a heuristic integrated planning method for the focused part of the supply chain with a high integration level and an improved performance. To reach this goal, on the one hand an evolutionary algorithm was used to iteratively improve a starting solution throughout several generations in order to balance the production and the transport schedules. On the other hand, a new structuring method for a multi-step decomposition and integration of the overall planning problem was developed. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2013 - 30.06.2015 See project's publications See project's page |
jasimaSolutions Ausgründungsprojekt jasima Solutions jasimaSolutions offers simulation-based optimization for production and logistic processes. Using our own, very efficient, and highly flexible simulation library jasima (Java Simulator for Manufacturing and Logistics, http://jasima.googlecode.com/) enterprise processes can be modelled realistically and evaluated quantitatively. The high simulation speed of jasima allows to evaluate a large number of decision alternatives in real-time. This allows to always choose the best alternative and thus reduce costs and improve logistic quality considerably (reduce flowtimes, increase delivery performance). The project aims at commercializing results from very successful fundamental research on real-time/online scheduling. For this project we were able to raise funding from the German Ministry of Economics and Technology (EXIST Gründerstipendium, http://www.exist.de/). Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: EXIST Gründerstipendium (BMWi) Duration: 01.05.2014 - 30.04.2015 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.jasimasolutions.de) |
PaTRo Pallet-Tagging-Robot: Development of a demonstrator for automatic attaching of RFID transponders on wooden-flat-pallets Within the PaTRo project a demonstrator of the patent pending Pallet-Tagging-Robot was built. The robot can automatically attach RFID transponders to flat wooden pallets. The innovative aspect of the robot relies on its ability to directly affix RFID transponders on stacked pallets. The device can be used at every facility where wooden pallets are stacked. The whole robot consists only of a few components, thus enabling easy movement between different facilities. Furthermore, the robot uses only the pallet stack to climb upwards. The machine stops at each pallet, mills a groove into it and fixes a RFID transponder with brackets. The demonstrator shows the potential of the Pallet-Tagging-Robot to interested partners from industry. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.07.2014 - 28.02.2015 See project's publications See project's page |
RobLog Cognitive Robot for Automation of Logistic Processes The goal of the RobLog project was the development of methods and technologies for unloading of universal logistics goods from intermodal containers with a cognitive and autonomous system. Two demonstrators have been built to be able to integrate and validate the developed methods and technologies in different scenarios. The first scientific motivated scenario covered the unloading of unordered and heterogeneous goods whereas the second scenario considered the unloading of heavy coffee sacks in a real industrial environment. For recognition, classification and localisation of the goods in both scenarios, a universal object recognition software component has been developed. For the actual object handling two special robots with scenario specific manipulators and control software have been developed. By testing and evaluation of both systems successful fulfilment of the project requirements have been proved. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: EU, 7th Framework Programme Duration: 01.02.2011 - 31.01.2015 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.roblog.eu) |
UnKe II High-speed testing of RFID-components for electronic vehicle identification RFID-technology is used more frequently in the development of new license plates. The RFID-technology offers new possibilities for public authorities and vehicle owners. Among other advantages, these new kind of license plates are more difficult to counterfeit and work even in difficult environmental conditions. This new technology offers even more comfort for the vehicle owner, such as an automatic barrier control or an improved vehicle fleet management based on continuous inventory monitoring. The performance of smart labels was evaluated within the tests using windshield labels fixed within the vehicles. For studying the performance of those passive UHF RFID-components different tests were performed up to a speed of 250 km/h. The tests proved, that it is possible to identify vehicles reliably with smart labels attached to the windshield. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: Industrielle Auftragsforschung Duration: 01.10.2014 - 31.01.2015 See project's publications See project's page |
INTRAREGIO Towards an Intermodal Transport Network through Innovative Research-driven Clusters in Regions of Organised and Competitive Knowledge The INTRAREGIO project is a coordination action that aims to enhance the integration process and the capacity of the five European regions Canary Islands (ES), Bremen (DE), Marmara (TR), Calabria (IT) and Ruse (BG) towards their development of regional RTD and economic policies and research strategies related to transport concerns, in particular to intermodal freight and passenger transport. Through mutual learning processes and collaborative relationships among regional research-driven clusters, represented by 18 partners coming from governmental, research and industrial side, a transnational cooperation strategy will be established. This framework shall generate new transport-related collaboration among regional players. Contact persons: A. Himstedt Funded by: EU, 7th Framework Programme Duration: 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2014 See project's publications See project's page |
EUNA Empirische Untersuchung aktueller und zukünftiger Nutzungsgrade mobiler Computersysteme zur Unterstützung älterer Arbeitnehmer in Produktion und Logistik Within the research study project, the BIBA at the University of Bremen and the Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) at RWTH Aachen University examined the potential contribution of Wearable Computing and ‘Smart Textiles’ to enable participation of aging employees, particularly in production and logistics oriented branches. To examine the acceptance, current status and future role of these technologies and identify potential applications, both technology appliers in industry as well as specialised mobile ICT developers and providers were interrogatedin explorative workshops and personal interviews with selected experts. The results were further validated based on online questionnaires. As a result, the project has shown that the aging work force has been clearly recognised as a challenge particularly in large production oriented companies, e.g. the automotive industry. In general, the industry is open minded regarding innovative technologies. However, knowledge concerning their specific capabilities and most useful applications is still lacking. These project results were documented in form of a vision paper and a short movie on the potential of Wearable Computing for an aging work force. Contact persons: M. Teucke Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014 See project's publications See project's page |
INPRO Substitution einer bisherigen Fertigungstechnologie durch FSW Im Rahmen des Projektes wurde ein Arbeitsorganisationskonzepts für die Substitution eines Fertigungsprozessschritts in der Luftfahrtindustrie entwickelt. Dabei wurde die Fertigungstechnologie des Reibrührschweißens (FSW) unter dem Aspekt der Serientauglichkeit mit dem Ziel TRL5/6 betrachtet. Hierzu wurde ein Fachkonzept erstellt, das die fertigungs- und logistikgerechte Implementierung des neuen Fertigungsprozessschritts unter Beachtung der für das FSW erforderlichen Infrastruktur beschreibt. Im Rahmen der Spezifikation des Konzeptes wurden zudem die relevanten Qualitätssicherungssysteme berücksichtigt. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: BMWi Duration: 06.06.2012 - 31.12.2014 See project's publications See project's page |
Oktopusgreifer Gripping System for the Unloading of Inhomogeneous Goods from Containers and Swap Bodies is Based on a Bionic Approach The Octopus Gripper is an innovative, new grip- ping system based on a bionic approach. It combines a force-locked and a form-locked gripping principle. The core of the invention are ? nger-like fringes mounted onto a rotating circular belt. The fringes are designed as limp ? ngers which are integrated into a narrow channel leading to a vacuum conduit. The rigidity of the ? ngers increases when the vacuum is turned on and establishes a form-? t but non-perma- nent connection with the packing pieces. Since a reliable handling cannot be ascertained by means of this principle alone, it is supported by a force-locked connection. The tips of the fringes dis- play additional apertures through which the vacuum is capable of att racting objects. The combination of these two action principles makes it possible to grip objects just like an octopus takes hold of his prey. In this regard, the unloading a chaoti- cally loaded container is mostly anticipated as the case of application. In the event of unloading, the objects are drawn by the rotatory movement of the belts. Contact persons: N. Hoppe Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.03.2014 - 31.12.2014 See project's publications See project's page |
RobidLOG Robotics in Logistics - target group specific further education on robotics in logistics The project aimed at the systematic development and implementation of a postgraduate training that focuses on specific target groups and therefore follows a module-based approach. That way the technological awareness of small and medium sized enterprises has been increased by improving decision-making competence and professional expertise in robotic in logistics. The postgraduate training offered six modules that included e.g. potentials, possible apllications and basic knowledge about robotics in logistics. The executed training equally refered to target groups as managing experts, technical management professionals and skilled manual workers. Contact persons: M. Quandt (Project manager) Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE Duration: 01.03.2013 - 15.12.2014 See project's publications See project's page |
RoboScan14 RoboScan’14 - Autonome Roboter – Kooperation zwischen Mensch und Maschine Since 2007, BIBA successfully conducts a series of studies every two to three years that identify the Status Quo of robotics-logistics in Germany and adjacent fields. In 2014, it was about robotics in logistics in general and included the special field man-robot interaction. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: Duration: 01.04.2014 - 31.10.2014 See project's publications See project's page |
PROGNOSE_NLD_2 Development and Evaluation of Forecasting Methods for Production Planning and Control by Considering Prediction Models of Nonlinear Dynamics In order to accomplish a well-founded production planning and control, manufacturing companies need to forecast future customer demands as precisely as possible. Different studies have shown that no single forecasting method is applicable to achieve accurate forecasts for every considered time series. Hence, this project developed an automatic forecasting system, which is able to select a suitable forecasting method, configure its parameters and compute forecasts of future values. By applying a meta-learning approach, the automatic forecasting system achieves more accurate forecasts than established industrial best practice methods. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2013 - 30.06.2014 See project's publications See project's page |
LogGlobal-BRAGECRIM LogGlobal - Integration of manufacturing and logistics systems along global supply chains: concepts, technologies, managing policies and their implications In present manufacturing systems, information concerning logistic capabilities and employment level are not appropriately utilised to determine most effective production plans. Therefore, cost and lead-time savings obtained with new global manufacturing strategies might be impaired due to the unbal-anced, unsynchronised and unstable integration of production and logistic flows. The research focuses on improving informational interfaces between distributed manufacturing and logistic systems along global supply chains. Within the framework of project LogGlobal two German research subprojects on complementary aspects of production and logistics integration were pursued. In the socope of the first subproject a heuristic scheduling scheme was developed that is applicable for a supply chain comprising several production facilities in a row and takes the current production and transportation capabilities as well as employment level into account. The second subproject investigated inter-functional, inter-organisational and cross-national barriers for the efficient and sustainable integration of manufacturing and logistic systems along global supply chains. The developed framework was presented at the BRAGECRIM Annual Conference 2013 in São Carlos (Brazil) and were ranked 2nd in the category "Most Convincing Presentation". Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.06.2009 - 30.04.2014 See project's publications See project's page (http://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/OCTOPUS/;jsessionid=A3067C43B3C339B36E5A03B7E3359BAD?module=gepris&task=showDetail&context=projekt&id=139120360) |
Celluveyor Highly Flexible and Modular Conveying and Positioning System based on Omnidirectional Technology The cellular conveyor – “Celluveyor“ for short – is a modular conveyor and positioning system based on a novel concept of conveyor technology. The pat- ented system developed at BIBA consists of numerous small hexagonal conveyor modules equipped with omnidirectional wheels, each powered by its own electric drive. The special arrangement of the wheels and the targeted activation of the engines make it possible to move objects independently on any desir- able track. The modules can be assembled without much ado to yield universally applicable conveying surfaces of any desirable dimension and geometry. Only one single system accomplishes all tasks essential in conveyor technology on a small surface, e.g. moving, segregat- ing and reuniting, changing the transport direction and orientation, or clustering of packing units. The modular construction principle and the omnidirec- tional conveyor modules replace almost all types of intralogistic systems, even if they are characterized by very complex forms and functions. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.10.2013 - 01.03.2014 See project's publications See project's page |
SFB 637 - T6 Selbststeuernde Disposition von Verleihartikeln The management of hire equipment within the event industry focusses on the dynamic disposal and control of event related orders in closed logistic systems. At this, heterogeneous loads of equipment, reaching from chairs up to complex stage machinery, circulate between central warehouses and one or more venues. distribution and handling both underlie a large time pressure. Customer requirements, such as a strict adherence to schedules, a high degree of flexibility and an attractive price-performance ratio additionally increase the complexity and dynamics. Thefts, technical problems and the requirements of possible subsequent orders further complicate the order picking and often result in reduced and inefficient transport volumes. Methods of autonomous control are suitable to handle conflicting goals in a dynamic logistic environment. Since January 2012, the project T6 “Autonomous controlled distribution of hire equipment“ addresses the design and evaluation of an autonomously controlled disposition system with integrated route planning for hire equipment. The project takes place in cooperation with the Joke Event AG, a full-service agency for event marketing and management with headquarters in Bremen. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2013 See project's publications See project's page |
Mon2Sea Echtzeitmonitoring des Transports und Umschlags von Komponenten zur Offshore-Montage von Windkraftanlagen Im Projekt Mon²Sea wurden Prozesse und Infrastrukturen entwickelt sowie validiert, welche die Produktions- und Logistikprozesse bei der industriellen Serienfertigung und der Errichtung von Offshore-Windkraftanlagen in informationstechnischer und technologischer Hinsicht unterstützen. Es wurde die Entwicklung einer IT-Forschungsplattform vorangetrieben, die eine ganzheitliche, akteursübergreifende Planung und Steuerung der logistischen Prozesse in der Errichtungsphase ermöglicht. Das System umfasst das Prozessdesign, den innovativen Einsatz von IuK-Technologie und IT-Funktionalitäten. In umfangreichen Simulationsstudien wurden die dynamischen Wetter- und Seegangeinflüsse auf die aktuellen Prozesse untersucht und nachfolgend die Prozesse für das betrachtete Netzwerk neugestaltet. Contact persons: M. Quandt Funded by: BMU Duration: 01.12.2010 - 30.11.2013 See project's publications See project's page |
POWer.net Planung und Optimierung wandlungsfähiger Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke Modern logistic networks are increasingly faced with dynamical changing parameters in their internal and external environment. In order to coping with these volatile trends, flexible adaptations with a short term horizon are often not sufficient. In this context the project POWer.net aimed at developing methods for quick and efficient adaptations of the networks structure. These methods for evaluating different network alternatives, which were developed in the project, have been implemented to a software prototype. Moreover, this prototype comprises an approach for the real time measurement of the major driving forces. Contact persons: S. Schukraft Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.09.2010 - 31.08.2013 See project's publications See project's page |
Mobile iQualiser Entwicklung einer intelligenten und mobilen Qualitätsprüfungseinrichtung für großflächige Faserverbundstrukturen Development of an intelligent and mobile quality testing facility for largescale composite structures. Within the project a mobile and nearly autonomously acting system will be developed in order to check and evaluate potential defects in the structure of large components, which are made of composite materials such as glass fibre or carbon fibre. For this purpose an appropriate kinematics will be developed. The kinematic system will be equipped with various sensors in order to provide information relating to the current position and orientation. By a continuous monitoring the alignment to the workpiece can be ensured as well as the safety at work. Additional sensors will be used for conducting quality inspection and system control. This way the system is enabled to work in a realistic environment and performs the quality control of the composites under various conditions. The project aims to deploy and evaluate a fully functional prototype for usage under realistic working conditions. Contact persons: Z. Ghrairi Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.02.2012 - 30.06.2013 See project's publications See project's page |
IC Der Intelligente Container - Vernetzte intelligente Objekte in der Logistik Intelligent and linked goods, loading devices and means of transportation are able to monitor themselves and their transport. Those objects have the ability of autonomous control and therefore can control and solve complex logistics tasks robust as well as reliably. Sensors for transport requirements and condition of goods allow realising “dynamic FEFO” (First Expire, First Out) for logistics processes. To control the logistics supply chain the actual condition of goods, e.g. the degree of ripeness of fruits, is a criterion. This new principle of logistics allows autonomous control of objects and at the same time innovative logistics processes. For further information please visit www.intelligentcontainer.com. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.07.2010 - 30.06.2013 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.intelligentcontainer.com/startseite.html) |
ADOS Analyse und Dokumentation der operativen Offshore-Serviceprozesse und Spezifikation der Anforderungen an eine operative Instandhaltungssoftware To raise the performance of maintenance actions in the field of offshore wind energy is a particular challenge because the accessibility of wind turbines is very limited for service technician. Therefore, both the planning and the full documentation of the performed service activities are very important. Within this project, offshore-service processes has been analyzed and as well as a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) were specified with special consideration of mobile technologies. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: Industrielle Auftragsforschung Duration: 01.10.2011 - 31.03.2013 See project's publications See project's page |
RAN RFID-based Automotive Network Due to the effects of globalization, the general conditions of the automotive industry have changed. Individual customer demands, new drive technologies, and innovations lead to a continuously growing number of product variants. Therefore, automotive manufacturers focus on their key competences and expertise and reduce their vertical integration of manufacture. Consequently the complexity of production and logistic networks of the automotive industry increases and necessarily have to be controlled. The objective of this research project was on the one hand the improvement of information transparency in the networks and on the other hand the optimization of process control. Thus the development of a procedure to integrate logistical and product specific information in inter and intra tools for job control is necessary. Hence, a standard for exchanging process relevant information, to optimize the supply chain in real time, was developed. Based on this, a hybrid framework for utilizing central and local process control was designed. This approach enables a fast and flexible reaction on alerting situations in the network. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2012 See project's publications See project's page |
RoboScan12 RoboScan | Robotics in logistics Since 2007, BIBA successfully conducts a series of studies every two to three years that identify the Status Quo of robotics-logistics in Germany and adjacent fields. In 2012, it was about robotics in logistics in general and included the special field intuitive robot-programming. Please find the results in the attached document. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: Kieserling Stiftung Duration: 01.01.2012 - 16.10.2012 See project's publications See project's page |
EMOSES Development of a method to recognize universal logistic goods inside a container using 3D vision The aim of this research project was to develop a method to detect universal cargo units. This method defines the location and position of cargo units inside a container, so that an automatic unloading by a manipulator is possible. The core of the research project was the design and implementation of this method, which was tested with simulated and real sensor data. To find out the possibilities and limits of the applicability of the method for evaluating the automatic unloading process of cargo units, a realistic test setup was finally installed. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: DFG Duration: 15.10.2009 - 14.10.2012 See project's publications See project's page |
PROGNOSE_NLD Development and Evaluation of Forecasting Methods for Production Planning and Control by Considering Prediction Models of Nonlinear Dynamics In order to ensure a well-founded production planning and scheduling, a company has to predict its future sales precisely. However, customer demands are often highly volatile. Classical statistical prediction methods are often easy to apply but they are not able to react on dynamic structures within order data. In contrast, methods of nonlinear dynamics consider qualitative information in addition to quantitative, in order to identify possible deterministic structures within the time series and thus to achieve better forecasts into the future. In this project, methods of nonlinear dynamics were adapted to forecast regular as well as intermittent time series of customer demands. Evaluation studies showed particular potential of these methods to forecast complex, dynamic time series. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.04.2011 - 30.09.2012 See project's publications See project's page |
ISUS Innovative Stau- und Umschlagstechnologie für Stahlprodukte/ Development of an innovative magnetic device for the handling of steel sheets in seaports The handling of steel sheets is dominated by classical, mechanical load handling attachments which usually consist of hooks, chains, ropes and belts. These attachments are comparatively heavy and unwieldy but are convincing regarding design, quality and reliability. However, this technology offers very little potential for innovation and process optimisation. The research focuses on the development of innovative magnet systems regarding the above mentioned boundaries, restrictions and requirements. Typical handling problems will be solved and the necessity of permanent maintenance will be reduced. Altogether, the handling of steel products will be faster, safer and gentle to material. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.09.2009 - 31.08.2012 See project's publications See project's page |
ProKon Einsatz innovativer IuK-Technologien zur Prozess-Kontrolle im Ladungs- und Ladungsträgermanagement von Seehäfen The transparency of location and status of loadings and load carriers is particularly important for efficient warehouse management on seaport (RoRo) terminals. Often, monitoring of load carrier movement processes and modified status information is still insufficiently supported by software systems. An automated IT-based load carrier management system offers a wide range of opportunities for tracking and tracing positions and status information of loadings and load carriers. As a step towards such a system, the project developed an automated system for detection, identification, positioning and status recording of roll-trailers in seaport terminals by combining innovative information and communication technologies like RFID and GPS satellite positioning for identifying, tracking and communications. The technical feasibility of the proposed system was shown by a demonstrator. Project examinations showed that continuous monitoring of the location and status changes allows search time reduction, decrease of relocation processes and overall an improvement of the traffic flow on the seaport terminal area. Contact persons: M. Teucke Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.08.2008 - 31.07.2012 See project's publications See project's page |
SFB 637 Selbststeuerung logistischer Prozesse - Ein Paradigmenwechsel und seine Grenzen The dynamic and structural complexity of logistics networks makes it very difficult to provide all information necessary for a central planning and control instance. It requires, therefore, adaptive logistic processes including autonomous capabilities for the decentralised coordination of autonomous logistic objects in a heterarchical structure. The autonomy of the logistic objects such as cargo, transit equipment and transportation systems can be realised by novel communication technologies such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and wireless communication networks. These and others permit and require new control strategies and autonomous decentralised control systems for logistic processes. In this setting, aspects like flexibility, adaptivity and reactivity to dynamically changing external influences while maintaining the global goals are of central interest. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2004 - 30.06.2012 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.sfb637.uni-bremen.de/) |
SFB637-B2 Adaptive Business Processes - Modelling and Methodology Motivation The paradigm of autonomously controlled logistic business processes aims to increase the flexibility and robustness of logistic systems in case of fluctuations in capacity supply or demand. Thereto, logistic objects will be equipped with specific capabilities for local decision making and execution. However, there are no dedicated methods for the modelling of such processes available. Classic modeling methods lack to support modeling of the decentralized characteristics of autonomous business processes, while modeling methods for multi-agent-systems exclude the logistics perspective. Approach This project aimed to fill this gap by developing methods and tools which enable logistic process experts to model and analyze this new process generation. The Autonomous Logistics Engineering Methodology (ALEM) has been developed and consists of a procedure model, a view concept, and an UML-based graphical notation. It enables logistic process experts to specify and analyze autonomous logistic business processes. All three methodology elements are integrated into a prototype modeling software. Results The ALEM methodology includes methods for the configuration of the infrastructure of autonomous logistic processes and for purposes of simulation and evaluation of ALEM models. In the context of simulation, a three-stage, model driven architecture based method has been developed to analyze the logistic performance of modeled business processes. Thereto, ALEM models are transformed (semi-) automatic in to the external multi-agent-simulation PlaSMA. This method enables process experts to determine performance indicators and behavioral information about single logistic objects or an overall logistic system. Additionally, the simulation results can be used to tailor or improve the modeled business process. Contact persons: D. Rippel (Project manager) Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2004 - 30.06.2012 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.sfb637.uni-bremen.de) |
SFB637-Z2 Demonstrator und Applikationsplattform für die Selbststeuerung logistischer Prozesse To put fundamental research coherently across is often an underestimated intention. Especially for this purpose, a central subproject application platform was set up by the CRC 637. The technical subproject Z2 realised a common application and demonstration platform for the CRC 637. From the contents’ point of view, the platform aimed on the one hand the clear and vivid demonstration of autonomous logistics concepts, and on the other hand it validated newly developed autonomous control methods in a straightforward environment. The prototypical application of the developed autonomy concepts was realised on a common application platform in order to ensure its suitability for practical use and to make the idea of autonomy in logistics tangible. The represented subprojects of the CRC 637 aspired to implement the prototypical methods and concepts. The application platform accommodated both the implementation of the software and the assay of hardware for developed methods. The different subprojects had the potential to realise special assays in a collective context to identify and to solve problems between different methods and models. The application platform also represented the demonstrator of the CRC 637. For further information see: www.sfb637.uni-bremen.de/341.html?&L=2 Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2004 - 30.06.2012 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.sfb637.uni-bremen.de) |
SFB637-B1-II B1 - Entwicklung von Methoden zum selbststeuernden Routing autonomer logistischer Objekte Motivation Due to the size of communication networks (e.g. the internet or networks for mobile communication), any kind of central control of these networks cannot be realised. This is why self-organizing concepts have been successfully developed and used for communication networks since their beginning. Similarities between communication and logistics networks lead to the idea to adapt approved algorithms from data communication to logistics processes. The implicitly existing property of reactivity is also an essential property in logistics networks, due to the bad predictability of dynamics therein. This reactivity concept is extended by general methods of reactive planning and control. These methods come from the field of artificial intelligence and are characterised by permanent information gathering and processing during process runtime. Results Phase 1 (2004-2007) Basis of this work is an analysis of elements and processes in logistics networks which was done in the first steps. From this, transport scenarios were developed on which the adapted algorithms were tested and compared. A C++ -simulation environment for transport networks, based on the scenario descriptions, was implemented. In addition, the multi-agent-platform "PlaSMA", developed within and especially for the CRC, was used to implement a second simulation environment, in order to keep the compatibility to other subprojects. These simulation environments were used to show the portability of algorithms, which was documented in publications. The previous development of these autonomous control concepts led to the "Distributed Logistic Routing Protocol - DLRP", which has been proved suitable in selected scenarios. Objectives Phase 2 (2008-2011) In this subproject's continuation, it will be investigated how the autonomously controlled routing of goods and means of transport is to be adapted under extended close-to-reality requirements. These requirements concern practically relevant restrictions and complex structures. Further, the potentials and limits of the basic concepts, developed in the first project phase, will be explored. These consist of three main points: consideration of load carrier hierarchies, routing methods for large networks, and informational barriers that exist in practice. Another important aspect, especially for the recognition and evaluation of limitations, is the creation of realistic benchmark scenarios. The concepts for autonomous logistics are so different from the traditional transport logistic approaches that established benchmarks (such as Solomon's scenarios) cannot be applied here. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2008 - 30.06.2012 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.sfb637.uni-bremen.de) |
OT-B Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbasierte Logistik- und Ressourcenplanung des Offshore-Terminals Bremerhaven Bremerhaven entwickelt sich zu einem bedeuten Standort für die Offshore-Windenergie-Branche. Diese Relevanz wird unter anderem auch durch den geplanten Offshore-Terminal-Bremerhaven deutlich, der ab dem Jahr 2015 seinen Betrieb aufnehmen soll. Im Rahmen des Projekts OT-B wird eine Vorstudie durchgeführt, welche die Bedarfe an die Logistik und an die nötigen Ressourcen des geplanten Offshore-Terminals untersucht. Der Betrachtungszeitraum der Vorstudie umfasst die Jahre 2015 bis 2045. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: Industrielle Auftragsforschung Duration: 21.10.2011 - 30.06.2012 See project's publications See project's page |
LSO-Pro Learning and Self-Organization in Production Planning and Control The goal of this research project is to explore new ways to utilize self-organization in production and in-house logistics, allowing on-line adaptation to stochastic events such as varying processing times, new job arrivals, or machine breakdowns. Three main avenues towards this goal shall be examined: 1. Evolve and continuously adapt local control rules, tailored to the specific situation in the production system. 2. Provide the local agents with additional global information and globally derived solutions to enhance coordination and achievement of global goals. 3. Develop means to monitor and control self-organizing production systems. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.12.2008 - 31.03.2012 See project's publications See project's page |
Instandhaltung Entwicklung von optimierten Instandhaltungsprozessen u. a. durch die automatische Erfassung verschleiß-abhängiger technischer Betriebsparameter Since container handling will increase in the future, the capacity of straddle carriers will increase as well. This leads to shorter time frames for maintenance of the straddle carriers. Thus the service life between maintenance operations has to increase. Within the project a system was developed, with which specific and crucial components of the straddle carrier could be monitored (equipment and condition monitoring). Main focus was placed on the shift from preventive maintenance to an actual condition based maintenance. Contact persons: A. Ait Alla S. Oelker Funded by: Industrielle Auftragsforschung Duration: 01.11.2008 - 31.01.2012 See project's publications See project's page |
EVIdent Electronic Vehicle Identification Different types of RFID transponders and readers for vehicle identification will be evaluated. Transponders and readers that are available on the market as well as specific test arrangements are used for diverse series of tests. First, a list of scenario-dependent requirements for radio-based vehicle identification is compiled. After that, corresponding test scenarios are conceived and conducted based on existing standards and recommendations. The project aims to ascertain the applicability of passive UHF transponders and reading systems for toll systems as well as car registration by static and dynamic tests. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: Industrielle Auftragsforschung Duration: 01.10.2010 - 31.01.2012 See project's publications See project's page |
LSLN Stabilität, Robustheit und Approximation großskaliger dynamischer Netzwerke – Theorie und Anwendungen in logistischen Netzwerken The dynamics of complex, large-scale networks of interacting dynamical systems are hard to analyze and in many aspects methods and tools for the analysis are missing. In this project we will study such networks from the point of view of stability and approximation theory and investigate applications in logistics. To this end criteria for stability of nominal and perturbed networks will be developed. Furthermore, we will study the robustness of such networks with respect to perturbation of the dynamics in the vertices and of network structure. To obtain approximation techniques that retain structural properties of networks we propose an approach based on separation of time scales and on ranking schemes for the vertices of the network. This approach is motivated by a real-world logistic scenario in which different time scales occur in a natural manner. The theoretical results will be used to obtain further insight into the dynamics of logistic networks and to derive logistics management principles. Contact persons: S. Oelker (Project manager) Funded by: Volkswagen Stiftung Duration: 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2011 See project's publications See project's page |
SFB 637 - A5 Modellierung und Analyse der Dynamik selbststeuernder logistischer Prozesse Motivation Selbststeuerung kann als dezentrale Koordination einer großen Anzahl autonomer Objekte verstanden werden. Die lokalen Interaktionen der einzelnen autonomen Objekte bewirken ein lokales, dynamisches Verhalten, welches als Mikro-Dynamik des Systems bezeichnet wird. Durch Emergenz kann dies auf Systemebene zur Selbstorganisation führen. Derartige selbstorganisierende Strukturen lassen sich vor allem in natürlichen, lebenden Systemen wie z.B. in Insektenkolonien beobachten. Hier verursachen die Insekten ein Systemverhalten, welches dem Systemzweck dient. Dieses globale Systemverhalten wird als Makro-Dynamik des Systems bezeichnet. Motivierend für dieses Projekt ist die Frage, wie in logistischen Systemen ein ähnliches Zusammenspiel zwischen Mikro- und Makrodynamik wie in natürlichen Systemen erreicht werden kann, d.h. wie die Interaktionen autonomer logistischer Objekte zu dem gewünschten Verhalten des logistischen Systems führen. Ergebnisse 1. Phase (2004-2007) Ein produktionslogistisches Referenzszenario (MxN Matrix-Modell) wurde etabliert und verschiedene Ansätze zur Modellierung vorgestellt: Ereignisdiskrete Simulationsmodelle, System-Dynamics-Modelle und analytische Modelle in Form von Differentialgleichungen. Zwei unterschiedliche Selbststeuerungsmethoden, eine warteschlangenlängen-basierte und eine pheromon-basierte Selbststeuerungsregel, bei denen die Teile autonom auf Basis lokaler Informationen über die nächsten Produktionsschritte entscheiden können, wurden implementiert und im Rahmen umfangreicher Simulationsläufe auf Ihren Umgang mit Dynamik und Komplexität analysiert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass Modelle mit Selbststeuerung bei starken Nachfrageschwankungen effektiver und robuster gegenüber unerwarteten Störungen sind als durch konventionelle Produktionspläne gesteuerte Modelle. Darüber hinaus wurde gezeigt, dass eine simultane Nutzung der verschiedenen Modellierungsansätze möglich ist, um die Interdependenzen zwischen lokalem und globalem Verhalten von selbststeuernden logistischen Systemen zu beschreiben. Weiterhin wurden Stabilitätsanalysen mithilfe eines Fluid-Approximation-Modells und ereignisdiskreter... Ziele 2. Phase (2008-2011) Hauptziel ist die Modellierung und Analyse der Dynamik selbststeuernder logistischer Prozesse in Produktionsnetzwerken, welche sowohl selbststeuernde produktions- als auch transportlogistische Objekte beinhalten. Dabei soll auf das dynamische Verhalten des gesamten Produktionsnetzwerks fokussiert werden, das durch Selbststeuerung sowohl an einem Produktionsstandort als auch beim Transport der Objekte zwischen den einzelnen Produktionsstandorten beeinflusst wird. Hier soll beantwortet werden, wie selbststeuernde Prozesse bei einer integrierten Betrachtung von Produktions- und Transportlogistik gestaltet sein müssen, um Selbststeuerung im Gesamtsystem zu ermöglichen. Zugleich soll der Einfluss lokaler Selbststeuerung auf das Gesamtverhalten des logistischen Systems erforscht werden. Dazu sollen nicht nur innerbetriebliche sondern auch sich an den Schnittstellen zwischen verschiedenen Produktionsstandorten befindliche selbststeuernde logistische Prozesse modelliert und hinsichtlich Ihrer Leistung, Dynamik und Robustheit analysiert werden. Vorgehen 2. Phase (2008-2011) Die interdisziplinäre Zusammensetzung von Teilprojekt A5 ermöglicht eine durchgängig zweigleisige Vorgehensweise für die Modellierung und Analyse selbststeuernder logistischer Prozesse in einem Produktionsnetzwerk. Das bedeutet, dass zum einen die Modellierung sowohl analytisch-gleichungsbasiert als auch simulationstoolbasiert erfolgt, zum anderen werden beide Modelltypen sowohl hinsichtlich ihrer Dynamik als auch bzgl. ihrer Performance analysiert. Dies duale Vorgehen ermöglicht die Nutzung der verschiedenen Modellierungsmethoden, um einerseits die unterschiedlichen Abstraktionsebenen eines logistischen Systems darzustellen und andererseits eine gegenseitige Validierung sowie die wechselseitige Nutzung von Synergieeffekten zu forcieren. Es ist weiterhin geplant, das im Teilprojekt B1 in der ersten SFB Phase entwickelte „Distributed Logistics Routing Protocol“ für transportlogistische Prozesse einerseits auf produktionslogistische Prozesse zu übertragen. Contact persons: Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2011 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.sfb637.uni-bremen.de) |
SIMKAB Simplifizierte Kabine The joint research project SIMKAB is supposed to react to the future challenge of strongly growing passenger and cargo traffic in the domain of aviation. Concepts for a simplified and flexible standardized passenger and cargo cabin have to be developed to handle the future demand of transport performance in an economic and ecological way. The subproject “cargo system” explores the feasibility of new technologies in loading systems in aircrafts. The aim of this subproject is to analyse a worldwide applicability of active RFID in order to identify ULDs (unit load devices) such as containers or pallets while loading and unloading aircrafts. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: Airbus Deutschland GmbH, Standort Bremen Duration: 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2011 See project's publications See project's page |
Auto KNN Automatisierung des kontinuierlichen Lernens und Untersuchung des Langzeitverhaltens neuronaler Netze für die Produktionsregelung Current research projects demonstrated the efficiency of neural networks as a method for production control. The ability to learn continuously from experience gained through operation, the resulting flexibility in control and a small effort in calculation and modeling are the main vantages compared to classic methods for production control. This research project aims to the simulation of different net types over a long time period. Based on the gained data about the efficiency in learning, the life cycle and the amount of maintenance a hybrid solution with optimal quality for production control is developed. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2009 - 30.12.2011 See project's publications See project's page |
CONVERGE Collaborative Communication Driven Decision Management in Non Hierarchical Supply Chains of the Electronic Industry Motivation The electronic industry is a fast developing market segment. To stay competitive, European companies have to respond with improved flexibility to changing requirements. To increase flexibility, companies must operate in non-hierarchical networks of trusted suppliers to short cut decision making processes, in particular on tactical and strategic levels. Today, existing decision flows within and across companies are well structured at the level of operational management and shop floor coordination. In contrast, at the strategic and tactical levels, inter-organizational decision flows are not well formalized. Several aspects, like missing rules for transactions impede with shared decision-making, resulting in a lack of confidentiality or of knowledge about the network partnersÂ’ goals and activities. Approach An European consortium of ten partners from five European countries has been formed. The scientific partners supported the project with their expertise in process and decision modelling and analysis. The IT focused partners contribute their advanced knowledge in CRM and SRM solutions as on ERP Systems. The application partners provided necessary information for the development of the ODM as focal companies and were the prototypeÂ’s first end users. Results The project developed a collaboration framework for the strategic and tactical management levels, called Open Decision Framework. It consists of three main components: First, a reference model for collaboration on the management levels in non-hierarchical networks. Second, a deployment process that describes the reference modelÂ’s application at the different usage levels. The projectÂ’s last result was a prototype, which makes use of existing CRM/SRM-Tools, and extends and adapts them to the new reference model. Contact persons: D. Rippel (Project manager) Funded by: EU Duration: 01.06.2009 - 30.11.2011 See project's publications See project's page |
RoboCon Schnelle Konsolidierung und Dekonsolidierung von Seecontainern mittels Robotik und dynamischer Beladungsplanung A significant portion of sea containers turned over by German harbours is deconsolidated/ consolidated in the harbour. Especially the deconsolidation of consumer goods and textiles, which is done manually, is extensive as a result of the high quantity and of the missing use of pallets. This manual consolidation of bulky goods is complex because of the difficult handling by a fork lift in the container. The first objective of this project is the development of a robot system which deconsolidates inhomogeneous parcels autonomous and fast. The second objective is the development of a stuffer system and a dynamic load planning method for consolidation inhomogeneous goods. As a result of this project, the quality of the process and the turnover of goods will increase. In addition the competitiveness oft german harbours will be straightened Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.09.2008 - 31.08.2011 See project's publications See project's page |
SAViNG StAhl- und Eisenschrott VerfolguNG Mit einer lückenlosen Identifizierung und Verfolgung des Materialflusses, sowie einem elektronischen Datenaustausch zielt dieses Projekt auf die Verbesserung und Flexibilisierung der Produktionsplanung in der Herstellung von qualitativ hochwertigem Stahl ab. Durch geeignete Technologien wird der Produktionsprozess über auftretende Medienbrüche hinweg unterstützt und so eine gleichmäßige Bearbeitung ohne Staubildung realisiert. Die Herausforderung in der Gestaltung des Systems liegt in den vergleichsweise harten Umweltbedingungen, welche beispielsweise eine automatische Identifikation durch klassische Technologien erschweren oder gar ausschließen. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: Industrielle Auftragsforschung Duration: 01.12.2010 - 31.05.2011 See project's publications See project's page |
NLD_Werkstatt Einsatz von Methoden der Nichtlinearen Dynamik zur Strukturierung und Dimensionierung des Logistiksystems in Werkstattfertigungen/ Application of Methods of Nonlinear Dynamics for the Structuring and Dimensioning of the Logistic System in Job-Shop Systems The logistic system in workshop systems is faced with high requirements due to repeated transportation processes to the same working systems as well as different transportation quanti-ties. This situation is additionally strengthened by dynamic effects, which affect the system performance. While by this an "external-driven" dynamics is usually understood, which is caused by changes of demand and order alterations, also an "internal-driven" dynamics can be observed in systems with a complex material flow (for example re-entrant systems) caused by nonlinear effects. This internal-driven dynamics can affect the logistic performance of the whole system negatively (varying stock-levels, rising cycle times, decreasing workload). It is the aim of the presented research project to analyze and control the effects of the internal-driven dynamics on the mid- and long-range facility planning process. This will lead to an ad-justment of existing or the development of new methods for the organization of the logistic system in workshop systems, whereas the focus will be on the planning subtasks dimensioning and structuring. Proper instruments for the description and control of the described internal-driven system dy-namics and its causes are the models and methods of the nonlinear dynamics. It is intended to use these also in this research project for the structuring and dimensioning of logistic systems. The verification of the obtained results will take place via the investigation and if necessary re-planning of real-world systems using the derived procedures and methods. Contact persons: M. Lütjen S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.05.2008 - 30.04.2011 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=36) |
UHR Entwicklung neuer Technologien zur Erfassung von Ver- und Entriegelungszuständen an Überhöhenrahmen Containers are transported to terminals with specific vehicles. Handling of cargo, which is transported in special carriers, is done by using overheight-frames. Testing of the locking state is sometimes wrong between overheight-frame and container. This causes accidents and damage to cargo and carriers. Therefore, an electronic device was developed to detect the safety of the locking states. The developed system is currently used on the terminal. Contact persons: S. Oelker (Project manager) Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.08.2008 - 30.04.2011 See project's publications See project's page |
LogPRo Logistische Planungs- und Steuerungssysteme in RoRo- und ConRo-Häfen The coordination between collaborating partners in the automotive logistics in a sea port is characterised by a short term planning period, because no participant has access to all relevant planning information. The object of investigation in this project is the comprehensive planning and scheduling of the order processing of terminal and transportation services in the automotive logistics of a sea port-automobile-terminal. The goal of this project is the optimization of the planning and scheduling processes of the automotive logistics by developing a common, prototypic it-based control centre, which will be used by terminal and transportation services. With this control centre the transparency of the relevant planning information should be increased for all process partners enabling them to communicate their requirements to each other. As a result every partner can increase its individual benefit and consequently the whole logistic chain can be improved. The continuous and frequently updated view over all activities of the processes allows an improved utilization of the resources of all process partners. The main tasks are the development of an integrated planning and scheduling concept for terminal and transportation services and the accomplishment of a simulation study to validate this concept. Contact persons: S. Oelker (Project manager) Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.07.2008 - 31.03.2011 See project's publications See project's page |
KompAuW Kompetenzatlas Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Logistik The competence atlas for education and training in the field of logistics is an innovative application, designed for the Logistikfabriktisch and to inform about education and training possibilites in this promising branch in the Bremen region. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: Kieserling Stiftung Duration: 01.01.2011 - 31.03.2011 See project's publications See project's page |
AILES Analyse der Instandhaltungsprozesse und Erstellung eines Lastenhefts in Vorbereitung auf die Entwicklung einer kundenspezifischen Instandhaltungssoftware The planning and operation of maintenance in the offshore wind energy sector presents a particular challenge. Due to the restricted access to the facilities, maintenance planning and implementation is very complex and costly. Accordingly, maintenance and repair have to be very well prepared to ensure accurate planning of the resources which are required. Within the project a framework for recording and processing of data concerning a life cycle analysis of the failure characteristics was examined in order to optimize the maintenance work. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: Industrielle Auftragsforschung Duration: 01.09.2010 - 15.01.2011 See project's publications See project's page |
VGU Virtual Global University The Virtual Global University (VGU) was a private initiative of professors of business informatics and related disciplines in Germany, Austria and Switzerland to implement a globalized approach to education, based on state-of-the-art multi-media, and distance learning technologies and the Internet. The VGU established the School of Business Informatics (SBI), which offered as the first worldwide business-oriented master's degree, with the title "International Master of Business Informatics" (MBI) based on an online study programme. The MBI programme comprised relevant IT topics from applied computer science, combined with management-oriented courses such as e-business and enterprise resource planning. The total duration of the program was two years and included producing a master's thesis (three-month) and gaining practical experience. The program ran from 2001 to 2014. Contact persons: M. Teucke Funded by: BMWK / AiF Duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2010 See project's publications See project's page |
Lf-Tisch Logistikfabriktisch The „Logistikfabriktisch“ (logistics factory table)is cooperation project between BIBA as well as the media agency eventfive. The developed table is a multimedia tool, which shows processes in logistics and makes them experience-able. The complex content can be presented in an easy way by defining different detailing levels. Each level contains several media-objects, like videos, photos or text. In this context, different logistics companies of the logistics process are shown, their role in the logistics chain as well as their interplay are visualized. Furthermore, the user gets the possibility gather information about the displayed companies. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: Land Bremen Duration: 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2010 See project's publications See project's page |
SiWear Sichere Wearable- Systeme zur Kommissionierung industrieller Güter sowie für Diagnose, Wartung und Reparatur The projects aim is to let wearable computing been accepted in manufacture industry and subsequent after-sales-services. Computer systems which are carried near the human body, equal to wristwatches, allow information technologies to get closer to working processes without breaking the infrastructure. The aim of wearable and mobile computing in this context is to make informations and processes available on any place and at any time without drawing off the attention by the computer system (Analogy: GPS navigation systems compared to fixed routing systems). Unreadiness and low user acceptance of wearable technology, by reason of security worries, low process integration and hardware technology are the main obstacles to resource the height potential of wearable technologies. Therefore one aim of this project is to integrate COTS- components (commercial-off-the-shelf) in backend systems by the use of usability studies to increase the user acceptance and actual usage of these systems in industrial applications. The project will show how wearable computing can effective support the focused areas picking and diagnostic, maintenance and repair by developing of a safety-related and organizational effective wearable computing solution Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.08.2007 - 30.08.2010 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.siwear.de/) |
RoboScan10 Trendstudie zum Einsatz von Robotertechnologien in der Logistik Fokus: Innovations- und Technologiemanagement Im Frühjahr starteten das BIBA und die Jacobs University, Systems Management, in Kooperation mit Logistik für Unternehmen als Medienpartner zum zweiten Mal eine Online-Umfrage zur Robotik in der Logistik. Nun liegt die ausgewertete Studie vor und zeigt neben den Entwicklungen der Robotik-Logistik von 2007 bis heute vor allem künftige Herausforderungen von Robotersystemen für die Optimierung von Logistikprozessen. Die Ergebnisse der Studie finden Sie auf http://dialog.jacobs-university.de/ und www.robotik-logistik.de Weitere Information finden Sie unter www.logistik-fuer-unternehmen.de Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: Duration: 01.04.2010 - 30.08.2010 See project's publications See project's page |
inwest Intelligente Wechselbrückensteuerung Contact persons: Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.01.2008 - 30.06.2010 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.inwest.org/) |
Seilbahn ISETEC II - Seilbahn Die Firma Eurogate GmbH betreibt am Standort Hamburg einen der größten Umschlagterminals der Welt für Standard-Seecontainer. Die stetig steigenden Containerumschlagszahlen erfordern eine Erweiterung der Lagerkapazitäten und somit eine Vergrößerung der Standflächen. Aufgrund der Begrenzung der zur Verfügung stehenden Flächen des Eurogate-Terminals durch die Elbe, eine Autobahn und eine Zugtrasse, erfolgt die Zwischenlagerung einer großen Anzahl von Containern derzeit in einem nahe gelegenen Depot (siehe Abb. unten). Der Transport der Container zwischen dem Terminal und dem Depot erfolgt dabei per LKW. Das Projekt „Seilbahn – Transportsysteme in Hafenterminals“ soll daher in der ersten Phase die Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Fördersystemen, die den Luftraum nutzen und in der Lage sind bauliche Hindernisse zu überwinden, untersuchen. Die Prüfung erfolgt in Phase I im Rahmen einer Machbarkeitsstudie und anhand eines realitätsnahen Modells. In der zweiten Phase soll das validierte Konzept in die Realität umgesetzt werden. Bei der Pilotanlage ist eine Distanz von 280 m (Luftlinie) zu überwinden. Gleichzeitig ist auf dieser Distanz eine Mindesthöhe über Grund von ca. 16 m zu garantieren. Flächen für die Tragwerke und die Ein- und Ausschleusung werden nach Bedarf zur Verfügung gestellt. Rechtliche und betriebliche Sicherheitsanforderungen müssen zunächst ermittelt und später auch von der Anlage erfüllt werden. Um die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Vorhabens sicherzustellen, muss die Gesamtleistung bei ungefähr 60 Einheiten pro Stunde in beide Richtungen (Terminal-Depot-Terminal) liegen, wobei die Anlage im 24h Betrieb arbeiten soll. Eine entsprechende Verfügbarkeit ist zu gewährleisten. Weiterhin soll die Anlage vollautomatisch funktionieren, das heißt neben der eigentlichen Transportstrecke sind folgende Anlagenteile vorzusehen: 1. Vollautomatisierte Aufgabe- und Abnahmestationen, die mit Straddle Carrier (SC) oder Reachstacker (RS) beschickt werden können und aufgesetzte Container selbständig an die Anlage weiterleiten bzw. Container aus der Anlage entnehmen und in eine Position bringen, in der sie von SC oder RS aufgenommen werden können. 2. Beidseitige Puffervorrichtungen, die die Container in der vorgegebenen Taktzeit bereithalten und somit die Anlage von der Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit der SC/RS entkoppelt. 3. Übergabestationen, an denen die Container aus dem Puffer an die Förderanlage übergeben werden. Die Anlage soll sowohl zum Transport von standardisierten 20 ft. und 40 ft.-Containern (auch High-Cube) dienen. Wünschenswert ist ferner der Transport von 45 ft.-Containern. In Zukunft soll das innovative Produkt „Containerseilbahn“ auch an verschiedenen anderen Orten zum Einsatz kommen; die Anwendbarkeit soll dabei stetig erweitert werden. Denkbar wäre beispielsweise ein Einsatz zur Verbringung von Seecontainern aus einem Hafenterminal ins Hinterland oder zur Überwindung von Gewässern. Durch die Verkehrsvermeidung und Schonung der Infrastruktur werden wichtige Ziele der Ökologistik erreicht. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: BMWi Duration: 01.12.2008 - 30.06.2010 See project's publications See project's page |
OL_NLD Erweiterte Methoden des Organisationalen Lernens zur Reduktion unerwünschter nichtlinearer dynamischer Effekte in Liefernetzen In logistics networks with close interdependencies and large flexibility requirements still unwanted nonlinear dynamic effects in the development of the inventory numbers arise - in pure delivery networks this effect is called Bullwhip-effect. The research within this range divides into two different approaches. The so called normative research approach looks for the reasons in the system, e.g. in system internal time delays and suggests as counter measures regulation strategies, which are directed toward the overall system and not on individual enterprises, and thus are accompanied by a restriction of the freedom of choice of the individual enterprises. The descriptive research approach however looks for the reasons for the Bullwhip-effect in the limited rationality of the decision makers. Therefore among other things it comes to an underestimation of the supply lines. As counter measures here different learning strategies were developed. In the long run to the instabilities can only be worked against with by elements of both approaches lastingly. Basic questions with the linkage of both approaches are: which causes can be eliminated with which of the two approaches best or possibly exclusively? A goal of this research project is the development and study of a integrative, holistic and adaptive regulation and learning strategy for the lasting reduction of instabilities in delivery networks. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.04.2007 - 31.03.2010 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=35) |
SFB637-T3 Sensorsysteme zur selbststeuernden Lagerverwaltung Subject of this tranfer project in the field of the CRC 637 is the development an application of a control method for an autonomously controlled storage management of finished vehicles as well as the conceptual design and implementation of a hard- and software prototype. In the context of the research work of the subproject A1, several application potentials of autonomous control in the field of storage management of finished vehicles could be verified considering as example the logistic order processing of a typical automobile terminal of the logistic service provider BLG Logistics. Within this transfer project, the investigated approach of a rule-based, autonomously controlled storage management in automobile logistics shall be enhanced an implemented using available information and communication technologies and sensor systems in the form of a hard- and software prototype. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2009 See project's publications See project's page |
SFB 637 - T2 Verfolgung und dynamische Verfeinerung bei der Auftragszuordnung von Waren in der Bekleidungsindustrie entlang der Supply Chain unter dem Aspekt der Selbststeuerung The transfer project T2 developed a process flow for the allocation of garment products to customer orders. The allocation can be adapted dynamically, and thus allows short term reaction to new customer orders and to changes in the availability of products. The individual identification of garment products and the allocation of these garment products to customer orders were implemented in a hardware and software demonstrator and tested both for laboratory as well as field trials. The developed method was evaluated by process simulation concerning process improvements and economic impact. Application of the method allows reduction of inventories and throughput times. Contact persons: M. Teucke Funded by: DFG Sonderforschungsbereich Duration: 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2009 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.sfb637.uni-bremen.de/) |
Ramp-Up Ramp-Up Excellence^ES - Ein skalierbares Anlaufmanagementprozessmodell für Elektronik Zulieferer Objective of this project is to develop a scalable ramp-up management process model for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) of the electronic industry. The model will consist of a quality-gate management model, a controlling model to measure the network ability of SMEs, an information flow model and a model for strategies to react to difficulties during ramp-up phases. The primary objective is to increase the efficiency of ramp-up phases in electronic supply chains and to qualify SME to achieve "Ramp-Up ExcellenceES", as evidence for SME´s excellence in regard to its management of ramp-up phases in production networks. Contact persons: M. Lütjen S. Oelker Funded by: BMWi / AiF Duration: 01.11.2007 - 31.10.2009 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ramp-up.biba.uni-bremen.de) |
P2020 Studie zur Neuentwicklung des Rahmenprogramms Das BMBF beabsichtigt, im Jahr 2010 ein neues Programm für die Produktionsforschung aufzulegen. Mit einem neu zu entwickelnden Programm „Produktionsforschung 2020“ soll die Motivation und der Rahmen für die künftige öffentliche Förderung der Produktionsforschung in Deutschland dargestellt werden, um vorwettbewerbliche, anwendungsorientierte Forschung zur nachhaltigen Stärkung des produzierenden und verarbeitenden Gewerbes am Standort Deutschland zu fördern. Das BMBF hat ein Kernteam mit Mitgliedern aus Wissenschaft, Industrie und Verbänden definiert. Dieses Kernteam hat die Aufgabe gemeinsam mit einer repräsentativen Auswahl an Experten (Arbeitsgruppen) dieses Programm gemeinsam mit beim BMBF und dem Projektträger PTKA zu erarbeiten. Das BIBA erstellt in der Arbeitsgruppen 5 einen Bericht (themenorientierte Positionspapier), der die langfristigen Trends und Entwicklungen in den Schwerpunkten Textilmaschinen, Energieerzeugung / -speicherung (inkl. Brennstoffzellen), Turbinen, Solar, Windkraftanlagen und Wärmepumpen beschreibt. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: BMBF Duration: 17.01.2009 - 30.09.2009 See project's publications See project's page |
DrugRob Automatische Beladung von Rollcontainern In order to realize the automated loading of rollable transport units – a typical transport unit used by DHL – with cubic goods a robot based system has been developed. With a performance of 900 parcels per hour the system works fast and efficient. It picks the parcels from a conveyor belt and transports them into the rollable transport units which are mounted around the robot. The new developed gripping system is able to grip up to three parcels at time. The focus on low-cost-automation resulted in a system with low-level sensor-technologies but with high flexibility and process reliability. It is possible to commission parcels of different size in up to three rollable transport units at the present moment but the system can be enlarged with up to two more transport units. A pilot phase at the company APO-Logistics and in cooperation with ThyssenKrupp Krause GmbH is already accomplished successfully. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: Industrielle Auftragsforschung Duration: 01.10.2008 - 31.08.2009 See project's publications See project's page |
wearIT@work Empowering the mobile worker by wearable computing Wearable mobile computing empowers professionals to higher levels of productivity by providing effective forms of access to knowledge and computing power anywhere and in any situation. Wearable computing will improve productivity because it allows workers to complete more complex tasks in less time and with less effort. wearIT@work will develop a core technology in the transition of the European economy to a service centred economy, as a result of which new jobs and economic growth in Europe will be generated. wearIT@work will develop a new paradigm for wearable mobile com-puting that supports complex tasks with a minimum of human-machine interaction and thereby enables mobile professionals to keep their attention focused on the interaction with the work environment. wearIT@work will deliver a new technology having a long-term impact on the organization of individual and collaborative work and creating new ways to organize work. Contact persons: P. Klein Funded by: IST FP6 Duration: 01.06.2004 - 31.05.2009 See project's publications See project's page |
SinAB Selbststeuerung für intralogistische Anwendungen in der Bekleidungsindustrie The project’s aim was to develop reference solutions based the decentralized data management for intralogistics processes within the clothing industry, which include e. g. article stock control or picking processes. In particular, the project examined, to what extent relevant product data can be stored directly on articles or packages of articles by use of the transponder or RFID technology. A simple but suitable reference solution for selected decentralized data processing applications was implemented as a pilot application. In this way the project contributed to the implementation of solutions based on autonomous control of logistic processes within a business environment especially of small and medium enterprises. Contact persons: M. Teucke Funded by: Stiftung Industrieforschung Duration: 01.08.2007 - 31.01.2009 See project's publications See project's page |
Logipack Billing-Modell für den übergreifenden RFID Einsatz innerhalb einer Supply-Chain der Getränkeindustrie A new transfer project in collaboration with the beverage industry has been launched at LogDynamics with the objective of exploiting the potential value of RFID technology. The participating industry partners are the packaging company Logipack GmbH, the wholesaler Getränke Nordmann, and the beverage producer and bottler Stralsunder Brauerei. The local data acquisition along the whole product life cycle is considered an important advantage of RFID technology, accessible to all participants in the supply chain network. The data can be used to generate and realise optimisation potentials in manufacturing and planning as well as in warehouse and transport control. On the other hand, the dissemination and implementation of RFID technology incurs costs, and the people who have to bear these costs are not necessarily the only beneficiaries of the new technology. Therefore the project objective can be outlined by the question: How should the costs incurred be shared among the beneficiaries in the supply chain? The project results should flow into the Billing Model for RFID technology along the supply chain. The targeted result is: faster dissemination of this innovative solution in order to tap the full optimisation potential with regard to logistics processes. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: BMWK / AiF Duration: 01.06.2008 - 30.11.2008 See project's publications See project's page |
Oszillatoren Synchronisation der Knoten in Produktions- und Logistiknetzwerken Production and logistics networks are characterised by non-linearities due to the coupling of their subsystems. Hence, traditional methods of system and control theory are no longer applicable. Models of such networks will now be analysed with the methods of non-linear dynamics. Especially, the applicability of existing synchronisation theories will be investigated. If necessary, these theories will be extended by new, adapted methods, that allow the synchronsiation of the subsystems in production and logistics networks. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.05.2005 - 30.04.2008 See project's publications See project's page |
OMrEST Optimierung des Materialflusses bei der roboterbasierten Entnahme von logistischen Stückgütern aus Transportcontainern zur Sicherstellung der Wirtschaftlichkeit des Gesamtsystems The ambition of the project is the optimisation of material flow and so the reduction of cycle times through the implementation of robotics for unloading packaged goods (f.e. parcels) out of transport containers. Especially the delivery from transport systems to distribution systems will be viewed exemplarily. Beside the development of basic strategies, the strategies will be validated in a test-setup. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: AiF Duration: 01.08.2006 - 31.03.2008 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=29) |
KNN_CBR Aufbau und Nutzung von Erfahrungswissen mit Hilfe des Fallbasierten Schließens zur Produktionssteuerung mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen In this research project should be analyzed, how expert knowledge about production control with artificial neural networks could be processed and structured, sothat control strategies and, according to, the applicable and adjusted neural networks could be selected and implemented for new production situations. Constitutive on this results a case based reasoning system should be developed to add new practical production cases. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.09.2004 - 28.02.2008 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=20) |
e-Logistics e-Logistics Studie Ziel der eLogistics Studie ist die Definition und Ermittlung logistischer Kennzahlen von Unternehmen im geographischen Raum Bremen/Bremerhaven zur Beschreibung der Bremer eLogistics Branche. Es sollen die Auswirkungen von eLogistics und die potentiellen Nutzenfaktoren in Logistikunternehmen abgeleitet werden. Der Fokus der Studie liegt auf Unternehmen, die eLogistics Dienstleistungen bzw. dafür notwendige Logistiksysteme anbieten. Im ersten Teil der Studie wird auf Basis bestehender Definitionen der Begrifflichkeit „eLogistics“ ein gemeinsames Verständnis geschaffen. Gegebenenfalls werden die existierenden Definitionen um eine eigene erweitert. Darüber hinaus werden zugeordnete Funktionen und Prozesse der eLogistic dargestellt. Anschließend wird im zweiten Teil eine Beschreibung der Bremer eLogistics Branche auf Basis einer Datenerhebung vorgenommen. Die Daten werden unter Einsatz statistischer Analysemethoden untersucht, zuvor definierte Kennzahlen ermittelt und dargestellt. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: BIG Bremen Duration: 01.08.2007 - 15.01.2008 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=45) |
V-Logistik Zukünftige Forschungsschwerpunktthemen „Logistik im produzierenden Gewerbe“ Im Rahmen des Verbundprojekts „Zukünftige Forschungsschwerpunktthemen - Logistik im produzierenden Gewerbe“ werden Themenfelder einer anwendungsorientierten und produktionsnahen Logistikforschung identifiziert, denen eine hohe Relevanz und Perspektive beigemessen wird. Diese Themenfelder dienen dem Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) als Grundlage für die Erarbeitung zukünftiger Forschungsprogramme. Zur Durchführung des Projekts hat sich ein Konsortium bestehend aus dem Bremer Institut für Betriebs-technik und angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft (BIBA) unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, dem Bereich Logistik an der Technischen Universität Berlin und dem Lehrstuhl für Förder- und Lagerwesen (FLW) an der Universität Dortmund formiert. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.05.2007 - 31.12.2007 See project's publications See project's page |
SFB637-A1 Prozessorientierte Basisstudien zur Selbststeuerung Permanent changes in market conditions, especially those concerning customersÂ’ behaviour and supplier relationships, require constant adaptation of the companiesÂ’ technical and organizational structures. By establishing autonomous logistics processes, companies are able to identify these influences at an early stage and immediately take appropriate measures. Fundamental questions concerning autonomy in logistics processes will be answered by this subproject. Among a catalogue of criteria to describe specific characteristics of autonomous logistics processes, modelling guidelines and an evaluation system of these processes will be developed. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007 See project's publications See project's page |
SFB637-A5 Modellierung und Analyse der Dynamik selbststeuernder logistischer Prozesse n this subproject of the CRC 637 the foundation for modelling autonomous logistic processes is to be created. The main focus lies on the dynamic behaviour of transportation networks that emerge from local decentralized autonomy of cargo and transit equipments. Basis for this sub-project are autonomous processes of biological systems, e.g. insect colonies. Such processes will be integrated in existing models of transportation networks. This comprises qualitative models in economics as well as equation based models from mathematical system theory. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.sfb637.uni-bremen.de) |
SFB637-B1 Reaktive Planung und Steuerung zur Unterstützung selbststeuernd manövrierender Objekte in multimodalen Transportprozessen Die zukünftig weiter steigenden Anforderungen an den Güter- und Warenverkehr in dynamischen Umgebungen erfordern neuartige Konzepte und Methoden zur Abwicklung von Transportprozessen in multimodalen Logistiknetzwerken. Im Projekt wird erforscht, wie der multimodale Gütertransport durch neuartige Verfahren unterstützt werden kann, die das selbststeuernde Routing von Stückgütern durch ein sich dynamisch veränderndes Transportangebot unter einer unsicheren Wissensbasis ermöglichen. Dazu werden gezielt Methoden der reaktiven Planung, die hier sowohl reaktive als auch proaktive Komponenten umfassen soll, weiterentwickelt und mit geeigneten Routing-Verfahren gekoppelt. Ziel ist ein System zum reaktiven Routing von Stückgut mit direkter Orientierung auf das Transportgut unter Nutzung unterschiedlicher Transportmittel. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2007 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.sfb637.uni-bremen.de) |
Paketroboter Entwicklung eines Robotersystems für die automatische Entladung von Wechselcontainern Die Bedingungen, unter denen ein Unternehmen sich auf seinen Märkten bewähren und behaupten muss, haben sich noch nie so nachhaltig und in so vielen Dimensionen gleichzeitig verändert, wie es in den vergangenen Jahren der Fall gewesen war. Nur durch die Automatisierung eines Großteils der Produktion konnte die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Unternehmen im Hinblick auf Flexibilität und Effizienz der Produktion und Logistik sichergestellt werden. Die Handhabungstechnik und die Roboter als die universellsten Geräte zur Handhabung spielten hierbei eine zentrale Rolle. Im Gegensatz zu dem bisherigen Einsatz moderner Robotertechnologie in der Produktion, in dem es vorrangig um die Optimierung bestimmter Fertigungsverfahren z. B. Schweißtechnik in der Automobilbranche ging, wird es zukünftig um den Einsatz von innovativer Handhabungstechnik in weitgreifenden Bereichen zur Rationalisierung vieler Arten von logistischen Prozessen gehen. Die Motivation liegt neben dem hohen Kostendruck im Wettbewerb der Dienstleister, in der Notwendigkeit bestimmte Arbeitsplätze mit hoher Wiederholfrequenz durch Automatisierung zu humanisieren. Am BIBA wurde ein System entwickelt, das an diese Problemstellung adressiert. Konkret wurde im Projekt ein Robotersystem, bestehend aus Roboter, Sensorik (3D- Bilderfassung), und Aktorik (Greifertechnologie) zur automatischen Handhabung von logistischen Gütern (Pakete) entwickelt. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: Industrielle Auftragsforschung Duration: 01.02.2004 - 30.11.2007 See project's publications See project's page |
FastRamp-Up Änderungsmanagement im FAST Ramp-Up: Effizienz- und Effektivitätssteigerungen im Management technischer Produktänderungen am Standort Bremen Because of shortened product life cycles automobile manufacturers are forced to minimise their product development time and the time-to-market of innovative products. Beside a perfected ramp-up management especially an efficient product change management for the ramp-up phase is of significant importance. The aim of the project "Product Change Management during the FAST Ramp-Up" is to develop methods for the acceleration as well as the systematic transaction of product change management processes. During the project an appropriate knowledge management system for a forward displacement of product changes in cooperation with an automobile manufacturer will be developed. After an improvement of internal product change processes of the automobile manufacturer an optimisation of its external product change management processes within the development network between manufacturer and supplier will be done. Contact persons: M. Lütjen S. Oelker Funded by: Land Bremen Duration: 01.12.2004 - 30.11.2007 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=14) |
Conti Distributionskonzept Trade Europa The project „Trade Europe“ developed a European-wide distribution concept for storable drive belts manufactured from the Continental ContiTech – ContiTech Antriebssysteme GmbH (ContiTech Power Transmission Group). The main question was, how many storing location(s) should be installed in Europe and where. In parallel, a stockpiling strategy was developed in order to determine the products and variants which should be stored in these storing locations. The main result of the project is a generic calculation model for storage and transport costs of given or hypotehtic distribution centers, which can be calculated and compared based on rela life order and delivery data. Contact persons: M. Teucke Funded by: Industrielle Auftragsforschung Duration: 01.01.2007 - 30.09.2007 See project's publications See project's page |
Kaffeerob Automatic robot-based unloading of bagged goods from containers The aim of the project was to test the feasibility of a robotic solution for the automatic handling of bagged goods from containers. The unloading of coffee bags was considered as an application. In addition to the development of basic procedures for gripping technology and object recognition, a prototype test setup was implemented. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: EFRE: Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung Duration: 01.10.2006 - 31.07.2007 See project's publications See project's page |
Hanserob Hanserob Main focuses of the project are transfer of technology, further development and piloting for the scheduled introduction to the market of the Parcel Robot. The target is, to advance the consisting prototype of the Parcel Robot in a first phase, so that a widespread piloting under real conditions can be realised. For this purpose a complete transfer of technology from BIBA to the ThyssenKrupp Krause group is essential. By targeted appropriate puplic activities and media communication the intention should be displayed as an example for transfer projecting in Bremen. Contact persons: C. Petzoldt Funded by: BIG Bremen Duration: 01.11.2006 - 31.05.2007 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=47) |
LogMan Logistik Management unter Einbeziehung von Funk-Technologien, speziell RFID The research topic of this project is the development of a test design for identification – and real time localisation systems for the “Single Aisle Moving Line Hall 8” at the Airbus Deutschland GmbH plant Hamburg. The objectives are to discover innovative solutions for track ‘n’ trace and identification of single aisle bodies in the assembly line. A software prototype will show the actual position of the bodies in the moving line. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: Airbus Deutschland GmbH, Standort Bremen Duration: 01.10.2006 - 31.03.2007 See project's publications See project's page |
RAsant Reaktionsschnelle Auftragsabwicklung der Wartung, Reparatur und Überholung komplexer Investitionsgüter in vernetzten Prozessen Subject of the project is the order processing within cooperating companies that execute maintenance processes on high-quality and capital-intensive goods. In practice, maintenance processes are known as MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) processes. Lasting and multilayered customer supplier relations consist in the after-purchase phase of a product within MRO-processes. Those are indicated by the demand for idel times and a high planning ability of the maintenance of capital-intensive goods. The project aims are divided into three partial aims: 1. Developing a model based on a product structure model of capital-intensive goods to ascertain the order probabilities of components´ complex aggregates. The reactive planning’s unsafe influence factors (e.g. failure rate, strain etc.) and methods are taken in consideration. 2. Integrating a model for the ascertainment of the order probabilities (cf. partial aim 1) into the load-oriented order release (LOOR). First time a method to handle fast-reacting and probability-reactive order processing of capital-intensive goods for MRO-networks will be developed. 3. Implementation of fast-reacting and probability-reactive order management method (cf. partial aim 2) into useable software (demonstrator program). Contact persons: M. Lütjen S. Oelker Funded by: BMWi / AiF Duration: 01.02.2005 - 31.01.2007 See project's publications See project's page |
ProLadung Prozessmanagement für Ladungsträger und Produkte mittels Transpondertechnologie The automotive industry is characterised by a high degree of automation of the logistics systems and use of integrated control concepts. Therefore reliable supply of components is highly important for an undisturbed production. The project aims to exploit new technologic potentials to improve improve logistic processes at different steps of the value chain of both an OEM as well as a 1st tier supplier by exploiting the potentials of the RFID technology. An RFID infrastructure was created for automatic identification and data compilation of supply parts during manufacturing, shipping, stock receipt, buffering and assembly as well as their carriers and loading equipment. These logistic objects have been modelled and implemented within an agent-based software system, which processes the data compiled by the RFID systems components in order to improve process control. To exploit the potentials of technology existing process flows were analysed and adapted. The results were validated by simulation studies. Following detailed process simulation studies, the solution was implemented as a demonstrator in collaboration with the Bremen plant of DaimlerChrysler and the Bremen plant of its supplier Lear Corporation GmbH & Co KG. The solution is currently being live-tested and improved. Following detailed simulation studies, the solution was implemented as a demonstrator at Daimler's Bremen factory to improve supply of car seating systems. Contact persons: M. Teucke Funded by: Land Bremen / EFRE Duration: 01.09.2005 - 31.12.2006 See project's publications See project's page |
RTI-Track Tracking und Tracing von Ladungsträgern (Returnable Transport Items) in der Automobilindustrie mittels Transpondertechnologie The intention of this project funded by Daimler Chrysler AG was to ensure the supply process and gain further transparency within the automotive supply chain. To achieve this, the LogDynamics Lab at BIBA conducted a series of tests concerning the identification of metal transport items and plastic boxes containing metal on forklifts and trucks. An RFID gate equipped with six different UHF readers was built and tested. The identification of returnable metal transport items on forklifts with specialized transponders attached showed very good results, whereas plastic boxes containing metal equipped with RFID smart labels did not show the needed read rates. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: Daimler Chrysler Duration: 03.03.2006 - 31.12.2006 See project's publications See project's page |
SPIKO Spielend unternehmensübergreifende Kooperationen erleben Ziel ist die Konzipierung und Realisierung einer auf einem Simulationsspiel aufbauenden Vorgehensweise zur partizipativen, evolutionären Entwicklung aufgabenangemessener Organisations- und Kooperationsstrukturen in virtuellen Unternehmen und vergleichbaren Unternehmensstrukturen wie Projektkonsortien, Netzwerken etc. Kern der Vorgehensweise sind Entwicklung und Einsatz eines Systems, das eine spielorientierte Simulation im Vorfeld fallspezifisch modifizierter Kooperationsbezüge gestattet und den Systemnutzern sowohl ein Erleben des eigenen Verhaltens als auch des Gesamtverhaltens innerhalb der unternehmerischen Kooperationsumgebung ermöglicht. Contact persons: J. Baalsrud Hauge Funded by: BMBF,DLR Duration: 01.12.2003 - 31.10.2006 See project's publications See project's page |
Auto-RTM Automatische Fertigung mittels RTM-Verfahren In cooperation with Delmia GmbH a manufacturing concept of automated manufacturing for CFRP structures using the RTM (Resin-Transfer-Molding) process was developed. The main task of BIBA was the simulation of the manufacturing processes and the configuration of material handling solutions. For this reason a detailed material flow was modelled and a suitable Layout for production was elaborated. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: Land Niedersachsen Duration: 01.12.2003 - 30.09.2006 See project's publications See project's page |
Airbus ULD RFID Einsatz in der Luftfracht Airbus Germany GmbH Bremen planed the application of radio frequency identification (RFID) for cargo loading systems. Therefore it was essential to analyse how this technology behaves in an aircraft-specific surrounding at typical charge carriers (so-called Unit Load Devices) and how to integrate into the air freight cargo system. The major task was to apply RFID on these ULDs (container, pallet) and to test their suitability within the cargo loading system of an aircraft. The tests took place at the airbus cargo centre and BIBA, so that a realistic aircraft environment was ensured and loading and unloading processes of a cargo plane was simulated. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: Airbus Deutschland GmbH, Standort Bremen Duration: 15.08.2005 - 30.06.2006 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=33) |
EmPoR Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Potentiale von RFID in der Logistik kleiner und mittlerer Industrieunternehmen The global competition forces particularly small- and medium- sized enterprises to constantly innovate and rationalise. A new and innovative approach is the use of the radio frequency identification technology (RFID) for the optimization of in-plant processes. The presented project contents on the one hand a study over the status Quo, the increase in value as well as existing obstacles with the application of RFID. Beyond that a catalogue of requirement for the successful application of the technology within the ranges of storage and production logistics is developed, which shall be used globally. This form of decision support is supplemented by an economy alculation, which does a comparison with existing ident systems (e.g. bar code). Contact persons: Funded by: Stiftung Industrieforschung Duration: 01.06.2005 - 31.05.2006 See project's publications See project's page |
NLD_SCM Modellierung und Analyse von Produktions- und Logistiknetzwerken mit Methoden der Nichtlinearen Dynamik Networks of production and logistics are characterised by increasing dynamical and structural complexity. This makes the control of the flow of goods and material more and more difficult. Therefore a qualitative understanding of the dynamics of such networks is needed. In this project this problem is approached from the point of view of nonlinear dynamics, which allows the comprehension of complex dynamical systems. Objects of this project are the analysis of the dynamics of a network of production and logistics and the development of a model that can be analysed using methods of nonlinear dynamics. The long term goal is the derivation of strategies and methods for the management of complex distributed networks of production and logistics from the results of these analyses. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: Volkswagen Stiftung Duration: 01.06.2003 - 31.05.2006 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=5) |
FasTEr Fahrzeugsteuerung durch mobile Transponder-Erkennung Subject of this R&D-project between E.H.Harms Automobile-Logistics and the Bremen Institute of Industrial Technology and Applied Work Science, BIBA, (Division IPS: Intelligent Production and Logistics Systems) is the development of a decentralised vehicle control method in logistic networks using RFID technology. In this project, the vehicles are fitted with a passive read/write transponder. The relevant vehicle data are stored on each transponder with a mobile data entry (MDE). The RFID-tags on terminal gates and gateways of technical treatment stations are identified by built-in antenna/reader. Each handling employee is provided with a Hybrid-MDE, that combines the functions such as locating and transponder reading. The main objective of this project is the improvement of relevant business processes, and here particularily vehicle identification, locating and control. The methods, hard- and software components developed in the context of this project will be tested at the Auto-Terminal E.H.H. AUTOTEC GmbH & Co. KG in Bremerhaven and will finally be evaluated in the form of a proof of concept. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: Bremer Landesprogramm,Bremen in t.i.m.e. Duration: 01.12.2004 - 30.04.2006 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=15) |
AutoFakt Automatische Fakturierung von Leistungen in der Fahrzeuglogistik The main objective of this project was the improvement of process reliability regarding measuring and billing of work performed in the logistics network of E.H.Harms Automobile-Logistics. The project was in particular focussed on the automation of billing processes by using IT systems based on innovative information and communication technologies. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: E. H. Harms GmbH & Co. KG Automobile-Logistics Duration: 01.06.2005 - 31.10.2005 See project's publications See project's page |
EFRB Mobile elektrische Energieversorgung für Fahrzeuge mit großer Reichweite und hoher Beschleunigung ELECTRIC STORAGE SYSTEM FOR GREAT MILEAGE AND HIGH ACCELERATION Contact persons: Funded by: Leitprojekt BMWi Duration: 01.01.2000 - 30.06.2005 See project's publications See project's page |
CTC Simulationsstudien für ein neuartiges, automatisiertes Fertigungskonzept Between march 2004 and january 2005 the division intelligent production and logistics systems of the Bremen Institute of Industrial Technology and Applied Work Science at the University of Bremen (BIBA, Head: Professor Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter), conducted a technical consulting project at the Composite Technology Center Stade (CTC) (Head: Professor Dr.-Ing. Axel Hermann). The aim of the technical consulting project was the implementation of a range of different simulations studies concering the dimensioning and anaylsis of new layout and material-flow concept of composite technology modules. These composite technology modules ought to be build-up by a new, highly automated robot portal system, which was difined within the project, as the central part of the equipment within the factory concept. The BIBA created a first schematic blue-print of the new factory layout, which served as the basis for modelling and analysis of the different material-flow concept. The range of simulations studies were implemented on selected tools from the area of digital factory, which basically allowed a substantial 3D-visulisation of the factory layout and the planing of the material-flow processes. Furthermore the BIBA conducted a economic feasibility study for some selected simulation scenarios in close cooperation with the CTC. Within the economic feasibility study it could demonstrated, that concering the selected simulation scenarios, some very good payback periods can basically be realised, so that a rationalisation investment compared to the actual situation would be worthwile. Contact persons: M. Lütjen Funded by: Duration: 01.03.2004 - 30.06.2005 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=19) |
FNK Methoden zur Gestaltung vernetzter Logistikstrukturen im Maschinenbau One key assumption to operate competitive logistic networks is the development of logistic concepts for the design and the use of distribution structures and its necessary information technology structures. Logistic networks consist normally of one original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and suppliers for parts, components, etc.. The OEM has a global sales&service network and produce and assemble its finished products in more than one production location. Main objective of the project is the development of a method to generate reactive distribution concepts which consider also the changing constraints of the given logistic structure. Changing constraints are e.g. the location of the customer, the demands on the delivery times, the number of different suppliers and its locations, as well as the composition of the product and its variants. In this case the use of the given logistic structure is in the focus of the research work and not the location problem of distribution stocks. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: BMWi / AiF Duration: 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2004 See project's publications See project's page |
NEXWAY Network of Excellence in Wireless Applications and Technology Network of Excellence in Wireless Applications and Technology (NEXWAY) is a Thematic Network in Wireless Communications, with duration of 18 months. It seeks to provide a proof of concept for a new type of Network of Excellence in view of the specified goals and priorities of the Sixth Framework Program. Contact persons: P. Klein Funded by: IST FP5 Duration: 01.09.2002 - 30.09.2004 See project's publications See project's page |
KNN Modellierung und Steuerung der Produktion mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen An adaptive neural network system was developed to be used in firms that follow the workshop principle - handling workpieces at different work stations. This system controls the throughput time and the buffer inventory. Neural networks are able to learn new, non-linear forms of control of production systems. At the same time, they can flexibly adapt themselves to changing production conditions, which are caused by disturbances. The use of neural networks leads to an increase in production efficiency, particularly due to the constant production level, by decreasing the throughput times, minimising the floating capital and having a better control over the disturbances. Contact persons: S. Oelker Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2000 - 31.12.2003 See project's publications See project's page |
ReStLA Reaktive Steuerung von Lieferketten mit Agentensystemen The main goal of this research project is to develop and provide an information system based on agent technologies for the reactive control of supply chains. The idea of using multi-agent systems is to reduce the inventory level, the throughput time and the production costs , as well as to increase the delivery reliability along the value chain. In each company agents are going to be implemented to follow lateral negotiation strategies across certain levels of the supply chain instead of the hierarchical control concepts of the producer. A better understanding of the multiple independencies and the influences among the different companies within the supply chain will be expected. Contact persons: Funded by: DFG Duration: 01.01.2001 - 31.12.2003 See project's publications See project's page |
NLD Modellierung und Steuerung der Produktion mit Methoden der Nichtlinearen Dynamik Production systems are modelled as dynamical systems in terms of Nonlinear Dynamics. As a result, a qualitative understanding of the production process should be submitted and the deterministic connections be described. The dynamical model specifies the production resources in an integrative way and records the interdependencies between planning and control respectively. Contrary to the planning concepts of conventional PPC-Systems, the planning and control job will not be solved by optimisation methods of OR, but by an algorithmic interaction of the model’s objects. This interaction leads to an acceptable operation mode of the production system. As a result of this research, a universal, dynamical model of a production system should be developed that includes the planning and control of the production sequences and represents the production process as a whole. In doing so, a behaviour of the production procedure should be discovered that is not taken into consideration by conventional PPC-Systems. Against the background of the common criticism on traditional PPC-Systems, the concept of the dynamical model should be the basis for a novel class of PPC-Systems. These systems will be flexible enough to react to the highly dynamic market with a growing product variety, customer specific products and short delivery times with on-time delivery. Contact persons: M. Lütjen S. Oelker Funded by: Volkswagen Stiftung Duration: 01.01.1998 - 31.12.2002 See project's publications See project's page (http://www.ips.biba.uni-bremen.de/projekt.html?&no_cache=1&L=0&proj=13) |
IPL Integrationsplattform Logistik 2 The objective of this project is the creation of an internet based integration platform for logistics. Enterprises should be supported by design and operation of logistics processes along the value-added chain. Offering knowledge, services and tools of logistics should be the intention as well as the facility of consolidating co-operation partners. Characteristic features are standard terminology and structured paths. In addition, our department does research on the application of "IPL" in regard to supporting spare part logistics processes. Contact persons: Funded by: BMBF Duration: 01.04.2000 - 31.03.2002 See project's publications See project's page |