SYDITIL SYstemic DIgital Twins for Industrial Logistics In the SYDITIL project, a systemic digital twin (DT) for logistics is being developed. The technological basis is ?, a language and method for describing complex socio-technical systems, and the WorldLab software. Based on the application scenarios warehouse logistics and port logistics the DT will be developed and evaluated. The intended solution will help to continuously improve the logistics processes. For this purpose, the DT is constantly updated with data gathered from the logistics systems and simulates possible scenarios as well as forecasts upcoming risks. If necessary, the DT sents alerts to control and monitoring systems to optimize logistics operations. In addition, the visualization of simulation and forecast results supports decision-making for future planning. Contact persons: H. Engbers ![]() ![]() Funded by: EU Duration: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024 See project's publications List all projects |